2024 Law Enforcement Operations Conference and Trade Show
Saturday September 7

Attendee Registration

Course Length: 4 hours - Instructor:
Student check-in will occur in the foyer of the Kansas City Convention Center, Bartle Hall A/B Foyer on Saturday, September 7, from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., and Sunday, September 8, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Sunday September 8

Attendee Registration

Course Length: 10 hours - Instructor:
Student check-in will occur in the foyer of the Kansas City Convention Center, Bartle Hall A/B Foyer on Saturday, September 7, from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., and Sunday, September 8, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Incident Debrief: Tracking and Ambush: Multiple Officer OIS

Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Brown, Buddy | Haynes, Chuck
On January 16th, 2018, York County deputies responded to a domestic violence call that led to a K9 search for a suspect armed with an AK-47. The suspect ambushed the K9 tracking team and shot Sgt. Randy Clinton. This led to deploying the York County SWAT team and personnel from every agency in York County, The South Carolina State Law Enforcement Division, and the Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department (Over 100 officers). The suspect then ambushed a SWAT unit searching for him, murdering Detective Mike Doty and seriously wounding Officer Kyle Cummings and Sgt. Buddy Brown. The suspect was seriously wounded and taken into custody.
Trade Show

Course Length: 6 hours - Instructor:
Manufacturers and providers of equipment, products, and services used by police, fire, EMS, and other first responders are on hand to demonstrate products, provide information, and answer questions. Products such as apparel, firearms, body armor, rescue vehicles, footwear, technology and robotics, and thousands of other items will be available for viewing and handling.
Incident Debrief: Latrobe, PA Barricaded Suspect Shoots SERT Member

Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: King, Brian
In July 2013, SERT Officers attempted to arrest a robbery suspect in a residence. Upon entry, the suspect barricaded himself and fired rounds at team members, ultimately hitting one team member. In this dynamic debrief, you will hear from a team member who was present as he explains the success, challenges faced, and lessons learned during this incident. This is a powerful presentation in which the presenter explains the dynamics of the scene and the aftermath.
Incident Debrief: Barricaded Suspect with Hostage/House Fire

Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Tencza, Brian | Wesolowski, Richard
A suspect killed several family members, barricaded himself in his home, and then set the house on fire. Believing that 2 children were still alive and being held hostage in the home, the tactical team worked closely with the fire department to design and implement a resolution.

This incident review will discuss the details of the incident, the challenges faced, lessons learned, and training protocols implemented after the incident. In a unique situation with many learning points, the presenters offer firsthand accounts of the incident.
Incident Debrief: Multi-Site Active Shooter

Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Malone, Dave
On July 25, 2022 in Langley, British Columbia, a suspect randomly shot at people while travelling between various locations. As police began establishing a planned response based on lessons learned from past similiar incidents, the suspect was located. This was during his 4th attack on civilians. This interdiction resulted in an officer-involved shooting. The presenter will discuss challenges faced in this unique event, lessons learned, and preparation tips for other critical incidents.

Monday September 9

Opening Ceremony

Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor:
The Opening Ceremony will include a presentation of colors, the NTOA annual awards ceremony, and a keynote presentation by best-selling author David Horsager, often described as "The Most Relevant Keynote of the Decade."
Trade Show

Course Length: 7 hours - Instructor:
Manufacturers and providers of equipment, products, and services used by police, fire, EMS, and other first responders are on hand to demonstrate products, provide information, and answer questions. Products such as apparel, firearms, body armor, rescue vehicles, footwear, technology and robotics, and thousands of other items will be available for viewing and handling.
Panel Discussion: Contemporary Issues, Trends and Standards

Course Length: 1.5 hours - Instructor: Mescan, Steve | Fomby, Spencer | Eklund, Chris | Norton, Travis
This panel discussion, narrated by Jon Becker, will include four panelists discussing current trends in tactical operations, standards for tactical teams and task forces, public order standards and issues, and various other topics. It will take place in the trade-show classroom and attendees may come and go as they wish.
Business Meeting

Course Length: 1 hour - Instructor:
This presentation is conducted by the NTOA Board of Directors and provides an annual update on the status of the NTOA. Anyone is welcome to attend.
Legal Update: Tactical Operations Liability: Current Trends, Legal and Policy Considerations

Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Daigle, Eric
This session will review the applicable standards and case law applicable to the use of a tactical team and tactical related issues. The purpose is to identify the current legal challenges and successes directly related to tactical operations and tactical related equipment. These cases are reviewed for operators and commanders to understand the basis of force decisions and the method of meeting the constitutional requirements of the Fourth Amendment.
Incident Debrief: Escaped Inmate Hostage Rescue FULL

Course Length: 1.5 hours - Instructor: Williams, Scott | Trout, Nate | Doddy, James
Our team was activated when an escaped inmate was found at a local hotel with an unknown female. The incident quickly escalated into a hostage situation when undercover detectives attempted to arrest the inmate. Once we arrived on scene, we started negotiations with the suspect. Hours into the standoff, a Facebook Live video surfaced showing the suspect holding a knife to the hostage's neck. We determined it was time to make entry and rescue the hostage. We utilized two explosive breach points and one mechanical breach point to gain access to the barricaded hotel room. During the rescue, the inmate grabbed the female as he was raising the knife to her throat. The first operator in the room fired one shot, striking the suspect in the face, taking his life and saving the life of the hostage.
Welcome Reception

Course Length: 3 hours - Instructor:
The NTOA is hosting a welcome reception on Monday, September 9, from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at the College Basketball Experience located at 1401 Grand Blvd, Kansas City, MO 64106. This venue is less than 1/2 mile from the hotel. All conference attendees, vendors, and instructors are invited for a night of relaxation and socializing. Games, dinner, and drinks will be provided.

Tuesday September 10

Deployment Procedures for Snipers

Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Haugo, Gar
Deployment Procedures for Snipers provides police snipers with a basic understanding of how to successfully deploy into operational settings.
Developing the Tactical Leaders' Brain: Optimizing Cognitive Decision-Making for Success

Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Selleg, Jeff
This seminar discusses maximizing the Warriors' cerebral processes critical to success in a team environment and preparing them for peak performance during the fight. Throughout history, influential tactical leaders have honed their bodies to peak performance by focused exercise and constantly challenging their bodies to improve. No one argues the need for sustained, disciplined and concentrated effort at functional fitness combined with repetitive skill training to drive the utmost performance for SWAT officers. This seminar interweaves two key cognitive elements that tactical officers must develop to perform at their topmost levels. The presenter will briefly overview Emotional Intelligence and its necessity in the tactical response realm. Then, discuss how the EQi2 instrument measures emotional intelligence and provide specific techniques to improve each subcomponent.
Instructor Development for Active Shooter Training

Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Ellis, Eric | Embry, Alex
This instructor development course will review current trends in active shooter incidents nationwide and discuss the lessons learned and how they should shape our training moving forward. A review of active shooter protocol will be conducted and adjustments for these policies based on the trends will be discussed. This includes TCCC and its integration into training, along with the Rescue Task Force model. Scenario development will be discussed in detail to allow instructors to better teach and challenge their officers. This course is designed for officers who have previously been involved with active shooter instruction at their departments.
Dare to be Great: Leadership Strategies for Tactical Officers

Course Length: 4 hours - Instructor: Willis, Brian
It is easy to get caught up in the negativity of today's media and the rhetoric from the small, but very vocal special interest groups who would like people to believe the lie that all cops are thugs, racists and murderers. You have a choice however, you can:

a) Embrace the Suck, Find the Good and Dare to be Great, or

b) Allow the suck to embrace you and become one of the whining, sniveling malcontents you always complain about.

As a tactical officer you are a role model to others in your agency, your community and the law enforcement profession so it is critical that you choose to Embrace the Suck and Dare to Be Great.

Dare to Be Great is a philosophy focused on growing the courage to embrace excellence, punch mediocrity in the mouth, say no to the status quo and strive for greatness in your life, your training and your agency. Greatness is a choice you have to make every day and a life long journey. This seminar will give you tools and strategies to help you on that journey as well as challenge you to think differently about greatness and what it means to Dare to Be Great.

Incident Debrief: Tree of Life Synagogue Mass Shooting, Pittsburgh, PA

Course Length: 4 hours - Instructor: Mescan, Steve | Matson, Tim | Miller, Andrew | Eigenbrode, Shawn
The Pittsburgh synagogue shooting was an antisemitic terrorist attack that took place at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. On Oct. 27, 2018, an active shooter entered the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, where members of the Tree of Life, Dor Hadash, and New Light Jewish congregations gathered to engage in religious worship. The assailant entered the building armed with multiple firearms, including three Glock .357 SIG pistols and a Colt AR-15 rifle. While inside the Tree of Life Synagogue, the assailant opened fire, killing and injuring members of the three congregations. The horrific attack at the Tree of Life Synagogue on October 27, 2018, stole the lives of 11 innocent victims, wounded six others, including first responders as they attempted to rescue surviving victims. It was the deadliest attack on any Jewish community in the United States.
The Six Layer Concept: Tactical Threat Recognition

Course Length: 4 hours - Instructor: Seese, Jay | Macioce, Gino
The Human Terrain Mapping and Behavior Pattern Recognition (HTMBPR) program serves as a pivotal training curriculum designed to significantly enhance the capabilities of tactical officers across the spectrum of special operations, from intelligence gathering and mission planning to warrant preparation, tactical maneuvering and post-action review. The program's immersive Tactical Threat Recognition workshop focuses on real-world applications with a multifaceted framework for rapidly analyzing complex human behavior. Through interactive modules, officers learn to swiftly assess situational threats, identify anomalies, mitigate risks, and make well-informed decisions to de-escalate crises and neutralize dangers safely.

The skills cultivated in this training apply immediately to officers who react to active threats and negotiate high-pressure scenarios. Moreover, the principles of human behavior analysis lay the foundation for more effective operational planning, providing the clarity needed to create legally robust warrants accounting for environmental cues and threat indicators. By merging theory with practice, this intense program arms officers with the knowledge to succeed across the entire spectrum of special units and scenarios, from SWAT teams to hostage rescue, from clandestine surveillance to organized crime interdiction.

Officers complete the training proficient in leveraging human factor analysis to maximize safety and efficacy from an operation's earliest stages through a final review of officer actions.
Duty Knife as a Backup Weapon (Use and Deployment for LE)

Course Length: 8 hours - Instructor: Wihongi, Jared
Most law enforcement officers, especially those on tactical teams, carry at least one knife on their person when on duty. In addition to the variety of utility functions a duty knife can perform, most officers carry a knife with intent to use it as a last-ditch survival weapon or weapon retention tool. Unlike other weapons officers carry, many agencies do not have a policy regarding knives. Consequently, the carry, deployment and defensive use of a knife is rarely trained.

  • All participants should bring their duty belt with a Blue Training Gun (NO live firearms or ammunition).
  • 0800
    Managing Critical Incidents

    Course Length: 8 hours - Instructor: Pergola, Mark | McDuffie, Ralph
    This one-day course is designed to provide law enforcement supervisors and command personnel with the information and tools needed to manage a large-scale critical incident. This course will include a NIMS review, but the focus of the course is providing the tools for supervisors and command personnel to succeed when responding to active threats. The roles and responsibilities of the Incident Commander will be discussed and applied through practical group exercises. Command decision-making through a proven system that streamlines the flow of direction and information will be a central focus of this course.
    Tactical Mission Planning and Briefing
    2 DAYS

    Course Length: 16 hours - Instructor: Jahnke, Jason | Clement, Jeffrey
    Please note: This is a 2-day course, being held on Tuesday and Wednesday.

    This course is designed to expose police personnel (supervisors, tactical and task force team leaders, detectives, etc.) to procedures used for tactical mission planning and briefing of involved personnel. Topics include mission planning; documentation; operational planning for high-risk search warrants; scouting procedures for mission planning; primary, alternate, contingency, and emergency planning; suggestions on how to modify high-risk search warrant planning to other types of tactical missions (open area operations, barricaded subjects, arrest warrant/fugitive apprehension, and hostage barricade situations); and much more. Ensuring that a comprehensive but efficient briefing system is in place will be a course outcome. NOTE: This course is not a scouting course, we will make assumptions that the scout has been completed and has provided you the information needed to develop a tactical plan. This course is not a tactics course. We will dictate various tactics to use on some missions to demonstrate the flexibility of the briefing process.
    The Arena: Navigating the Challenges of a First Responder Career

    Course Length: 8 hours - Instructor: Gribble, Travis | Cooper, Jennifer
    During this powerful day of training, Travis Gribble offers his personal story of a 24 year law enforcement career giving intimate details of how the profession can affect you both personally and professionally. Jennifer Cooper, a culturally competent first responder therapist, presents alongside him and offers the clinical perspective for every subject discussed. By the end of this training you will understand you are not alone in your struggles, what it takes to change course, and ultimately how to thrive both personally and professionally. It's time to change the negative culture and purposefully address our mental health.
    Best Practices: Education & Training for the Police Sniper

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Lang, Mark
    This presentation will explore Best Practices for educating and training police snipers assigned to SWAT teams. Completing a basic sniper course is only the beginning in their career path and not the end. However, many snipers only receive basic certification and do not continue to develop their skillsets due to a myriad of excuses to include lack of funding, inbreed training, lack of training time, organizational culture & fear of failure. In conjunction with training recommendations from the American Sniper Association we will discuss the different levels of training that should occur and identify when that training should take place during a police snipers' career. Basic, intermediate and advanced competencies will be identified allowing attendees to understanding of what should be expected of a police sniper in 2024. This course is open to police snipers, sniper supervisors, SWAT Commanders and organizational leaders over SWAT.
    First Responder Health Optimization FULL

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Simpson, Graham
    The real crisis is the state of your health. We will take a deep dive to quickly understand the real threats of accelerated aging, how this translates into first responder readiness, and how to optimize for peak performance. After a brief introduction to the Opt Health platform, its functionality, and the deliverables, we will open it to questions and answers.
    Naloxone, Nalmefene, Buprenorphine, and Law Enforcement's Role in Opioid Calls

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Pickett, Jason
    Accidental overdose from opioids (heroin, fentanyl, and others) is a leading cause of death in the US, and increased by 100,000/year from 2020-2021. EMS calls for opioid related issues more than doubled between 2018 and 2020. To respond to this crisis, many LE agencies are equipping officers with naloxone (Narcan) for reversing overdoses prior to EMS arrival. Nalmefene, another opioid antagonist, has recently entered the picture, and is being marketed to many LE agencies. With increased education and availability, many patients suffering from addiction are being treated with buprenorphine (Suboxone, Subutex). Anecdotal reports of officers being incapacitated through passive exposure to fentanyl have led to widespread concern about dangers of interacting with people who may have drugs on them. This presentation will cover the landscape of new issues and innovations in opioids that officers may encounter in their work.
    The Overlooked Option: Developing Tactical Rope Standards, Certifications and Programs for Law Enforcement

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Cartaya, Eduardo
    This seminar covers the growing effort to establish law enforcement-specific standards in training and qualification for tactical rope operations, like IRATA/SPRAT offers for commercial rope access. Establishing a global standard that integrates advanced techniques from the cave rescue and arborist industries with tactical operations will greatly expand critical incident options for SWAT commanders.

    Topics include current vertical challenges facing law enforcement in both urban and rural settings (to include some very recent updates from the situation in Atlanta), the hybrid solutions that are being developed to deal with them, and the qualification programs emerging to give the tactical rope industry its own identity and standards.
    Harnessing Data and Technology for Enhanced Officer Wellness Programs

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Hilton, Colleen
    In the ever-advancing landscape of policing, the integration of data and technology into wellness programs is not just beneficial but essential. This session will delve into how police departments can leverage data-driven insights and technological advancements to enhance their wellness and peer support programs, ensuring the mental and physical well-being of their personnel while maintaining individual privacy and confidentiality.

    Attendees will learn about the types of data that can be collected and how to use it to identify at-risk individuals, optimize wellness and peer support initiatives, and measure program effectiveness beyond traditional utilization metrics. The session will showcase real-world examples and case studies from police departments that have successfully implemented these strategies, highlighting commonalities and differences across various agencies. By focusing on practical applications and providing actionable insights, this session will equip leaders with the tools they need to build and sustain effective wellness programs.

    Learning Objectives:
    1. Understand how to integrate data and technology into wellness and peer support programs.
    2. Learn about the types of data that can be collected to enhance wellness initiatives.
    3. Explore how data-driven insights can identify at-risk individuals and provide timely interventions.
    4. Discover best practices for measuring program effectiveness.
    5. Gain insights from successful implementations in various police departments.
    Leadership Principles of Elite Units

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Becker, Jon
    This presentation will include interactive discussions on the foundational concepts of leading elite units. What drives people, self-interest, creating the right culture for your team and organization, effective leadership principles, and more will be discussed. A unique perspective from a presenter with a multitude of experiences outside of the law enforcement arena creates a dynamic learning experience during this presentation.
    Naloxone, Nalmefene, Buprenorphine, and Law Enforcement's Role in Opioid Calls

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Pickett, Jason
    Accidental overdose from opioids (heroin, fentanyl, and others) is a leading cause of death in the US, and increased by 100,000/year from 2020-2021. EMS calls for opioid related issues more than doubled between 2018 and 2020. To respond to this crisis, many LE agencies are equipping officers with naloxone (Narcan) for reversing overdoses prior to EMS arrival. Nalmefene, another opioid antagonist, has recently entered the picture, and is being marketed to many LE agencies. With increased education and availability, many patients suffering from addiction are being treated with buprenorphine (Suboxone, Subutex). Anecdotal reports of officers being incapacitated through passive exposure to fentanyl have led to widespread concern about dangers of interacting with people who may have drugs on them. This presentation will cover the landscape of new issues and innovations in opioids that officers may encounter in their work.
    The Power of Awareness: Making Families and Friends Safer

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Barrowcliff, Brandy | Watt, Randy
    Open free of charge to spouses, family members, friends and conference attendees.

    This presentation is specifically designed for spouses, family members, students, travelers - anyone who wants to reduce their vulnerability in public. It is based on the book and online educational program "The Power of Awareness" by Special Operations veteran and former NTOA keynote speaker Dan Schilling. Avoiding threats, being more aware, and planning are among the many topics that will be discussed. Participants will learn valuable exercises to understand how situational awareness works in real life, how to better listen to your intuition, and, when confronted by a criminal, how to confidently take action. Helpful tools and tips will be provided for securing a home, safely using public transportation, planning travel, and much more.
    All Enemies, Foreign and Domestic: Deliberate vs. Dynamic Tactics

    Course Length: 4 hours - Instructor: Lindsey, Trey | King, Brian
    This presentation will discuss the evolution of Domestic LEO SWAT Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures through lessons learned by US SOF Operations overseas. It will also discuss Deliberate vs. Dynamic CQB SOPs and what type of tactic is best suited for certain domestic law enforcement operations.
    Incident Debrief: A Merger, a Failure and a New Culture Created: Three Officers Shot and the Transformation of the Tactical Teams at Kansas City Police Department

    Course Length: 4 hours - Instructor: Prohaska, Jennifer | Young , Matthew | Oakes, James | Collier, Joseph
    In early 2023, two distinctly unique tactical teams with different missions and methods were merged in an effort to streamline resources and mitigate liability. Unfortunately, the newly merged teams had a failure incident that resulted in three officers being shot. This led to a complete psychological autopsy of the differences between the two teams, not only in tactics but also in the cultures themselves. Where most teams may allow such an incident to drive the two teams further apart, that is not what happened at the Kansas City Police Department. A high-performance culture was created by redefining their Mission, Vision, and Values and committing to creating a psychologically secure environment for each other moving forward. A culture that many may argue is more impactful than either individual culture alone.
    Police Performance in Critical Incidents

    Course Length: 4 hours - Instructor: Borden, Jamie
    There are many myths surrounding the use of force. This presentation will dispel the myths held by civilians, attorneys and even officers themselves. Attendees will also get an update on what we know about the "controversial" use of force, body cameras, human performance under stress, and the limitations of memory. Attendees will experience demonstrations of their own limitations and see examples of police performance from real-life officer-involved incidents.
    Snipers at Work: The ASA Sniper Utilization Survey Results and Lessons Learned

    Course Length: 4 hours - Instructor: Bartlett, Derrick
    Many people, both inside and outside the tactical community, have a limited understanding of what police snipers really do, or when and where they do it. A sniper's true mission is surrounded in mystery and mythology. This is to the detriment of the dedicated individuals filling the sniper role on tactical teams around the country. This presentation will look closely at the real world of police sniper operations. Through various historical case studies, we will learn about training, equipment and tactics unique to the most challenging and important job in the tactical world
    The Six Layer Concept: Tactical Threat Recognition

    Course Length: 4 hours - Instructor: Seese, Jay | Maciose, Gino
    The Human Terrain Mapping and Behavior Pattern Recognition (HTMBPR) program serves as a pivotal training curriculum designed to significantly enhance the capabilities of tactical officers across the spectrum of special operations, from intelligence gathering and mission planning to warrant preparation, tactical maneuvering and post-action review. The program's immersive Tactical Threat Recognition workshop focuses on real-world applications with a multifaceted framework for rapidly analyzing complex human behavior. Through interactive modules, officers learn to swiftly assess situational threats, identify anomalies, mitigate risks, and make well-informed decisions to de-escalate crises and neutralize dangers safely.

    The skills cultivated in this training apply immediately to officers who react to active threats and negotiate high-pressure scenarios. Moreover, the principles of human behavior analysis lay the foundation for more effective operational planning, providing the clarity needed to create legally robust warrants accounting for environmental cues and threat indicators. By merging theory with practice, this intense program arms officers with the knowledge to succeed across the entire spectrum of special units and scenarios, from SWAT teams to hostage rescue, from clandestine surveillance to organized crime interdiction.

    Officers complete the training proficient in leveraging human factor analysis to maximize safety and efficacy from an operation's earliest stages through a final review of officer actions.
    Fixing the Disconnect Between CNT, Tactical and Command Part 1

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Dubois, Wayne
    There is often a "disconnect" between crisis negotiation teams and SWAT. The disconnect is common with U.S. law enforcement and can lead to missed opportunities to resolve critical incidents and at times, mission failure. This presentation will be a guided discussion that will help attendees identify if they have a disconnect on their team, and the various ways it manifests itself. Strategies for identifying the root causes behind the disconnect and how to fix the problems will be discussed.
    Public Order Use of Force

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Fomby, Spencer
    When members of the public engage in civil unrest, the focus is often on any force used by police. In this session the instructor will discuss historical trends and current best practices for use of force in public order policing. This session will cover law, policy, training, supervision, tactical options, chemical agents, less lethal impact munitions and distraction devices.
    Systematic Evaluation of Tactics for SWAT Leadership

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Ellis, Eric | Embry, Alex
    One of the most critical tasks of SWAT leadership is developing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for the tactics utilized by the officers in their chain of command. These SOPs will determine both the safety and efficiency of operations. However, how we select these standards is often disorganized and lacks structure. This can lead to difficulty sustaining the use of a particular tactic and compromise training efficiency and officer safety.

    Wednesday September 11

    First Responder Health Optimization FULL

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Simpson, Graham
    The real crisis is the state of your health. We will take a deep dive to quickly understand the real threats of accelerated aging, how this translates into first responder readiness, and how to optimize for peak performance. After a brief introduction to the Opt Health platform, its functionality, and the deliverables, we will open it to questions and answers.
    Harnessing Data and Technology for Enhanced Officer Wellness Programs

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Hilton, Colleen
    In the ever-advancing landscape of policing, the integration of data and technology into wellness programs is not just beneficial but essential. This session will delve into how police departments can leverage data-driven insights and technological advancements to enhance their wellness and peer support programs, ensuring the mental and physical well-being of their personnel while maintaining individual privacy and confidentiality.

    Attendees will learn about the types of data that can be collected and how to use it to identify at-risk individuals, optimize wellness and peer support initiatives, and measure program effectiveness beyond traditional utilization metrics. The session will showcase real-world examples and case studies from police departments that have successfully implemented these strategies, highlighting commonalities and differences across various agencies. By focusing on practical applications and providing actionable insights, this session will equip leaders with the tools they need to build and sustain effective wellness programs.

    Learning Objectives:
    1. Understand how to integrate data and technology into wellness and peer support programs.
    2. Learn about the types of data that can be collected to enhance wellness initiatives.
    3. Explore how data-driven insights can identify at-risk individuals and provide timely interventions.
    4. Discover best practices for measuring program effectiveness.
    5. Gain insights from successful implementations in various police departments.
    Incident Debrief: British Columbia Bank Hostage Taking: A Planned Attack on Police

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Musicco, John | Pellew, Damian
    On June 28, 2022, tactical officers with the Greater Victoria Emergency Response Team, members of the Saanich Police Department, and multiple supporting police agencies responded to an armed robbery at a major bank in the Capital Region of British Columbia, Canada. Initial reports were confirmed by police observations of two armed suspects inside the bank wearing balaclavas, dressed in body armor and armed with rifles. The suspects corralled bank personnel and customers into the rear vault area and waited inside the bank for approximately 15 minutes. Patrol officers arrived on-scene and initiated hostage-taking procedures. Tactical officers arrived on-scene moments before the suspects exited the bank. An Immediate Action Plan was executed to create separation between the suspects and the hostages, resulting in the death of both suspects. Six tactical officers were shot during the intervention, four of which were critically injured. The incident transitioned to a mass-casualty medical intervention and extraction of the critically injured officers, with concurrent objectives to enter the bank and secure the hostages. Subsequent on-scene actions led to the discovery of a large arsenal of IEDs, firearms, ammunition and body armor in the suspect’s vehicle within the parking lot. This debrief will review the patrol response, tactical intervention, medical care, command decisions and the investigation into this staged bank robbery, which was revealed to be a planned attack against police officers.
    Public Order Use of Force

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Fomby, Spencer
    When members of the public engage in civil unrest, the focus is often on any force used by police. In this session the instructor will discuss historical trends and current best practices for use of force in public order policing. This session will cover law, policy, training, supervision, tactical options, chemical agents, less lethal impact munitions and distraction devices.
    All Enemies, Foreign and Domestic: Delivered vs. Dynamic Tactics

    Course Length: 4 hours - Instructor: Lindsey, Trey
    This presentation will discuss the evolution of Domestic LEO SWAT Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures through lessons learned by US SOF Operations overseas. It will also discuss Deliberate vs. Dynamic CQB SOPs and what type of tactic is best suited for certain domestic law enforcement operations.
    Results-Oriented Decisions & Neurobiology: The Impact of Stress on Tactical Operators

    Course Length: 4 hours - Instructor: Javidi, Dr. Mitch
    The impact of stress on a tactical operator is overlooked and minimized, but the effect on the outcome of an incident can be significant. Understanding the power of neurobiological functions of the Medial Pre-Frontal Cortex and how it interacts with Boyd's Cycle during missions results in a more prepared and successful operator. The presenter will conceptualize how mastering the concepts of Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act (OODA Loop), combined with a deep comprehension of the interaction of the cognitive and reactive portions of the brain, will assist operators during tense, stressful, and uncertain operations.
    Team Leader Tactical Considerations and Leadership Part 1

    Course Length: 4 hours - Instructor: Murphy, Dan
    This presentation will focus on the role and responsibilities of a Team Leader in today's environment. Topics including leadership, current trends and concerns, decision-making, and operational philosophy will be discussed in depth.
    The Articulation of the Use of Deadly Force

    Course Length: 4 hours - Instructor: Robles, Luis
    Long after you have survived the gunfight, it will come back to life. This time, the shooting incident will rise from the ashes within the walls of internal affairs, a use-of-force review board or a courthouse. So how do you prepare for this contingency? Becoming fluent in the language of special weapons and tactics is a good start. Often, a lawyer who understands use of force can point out specific areas you should address. Attorney Luis Robles will provide insight into the use of tools like the OODA Loop and how it can strip the officer/suspect encounter to its barest essentials. Aside from the practical application of the OODA Loop (observe, orient, decide and act) to your day-to-day work, the OODA Loop readily creates a structure which an officer can use to explain any incident, especially a critical incident such as an officer-involved shooting.
    Critical Incident Decision-Making

    Course Length: 8 hours - Instructor: Watt, Randy

    Excellence in Training

    Course Length: 8 hours - Instructor: Willis, Brian
    Excellence in Training is a comprehensive program of advanced tactical mental preparation strategies, tactics, techniques and philosophies proven to enhance law enforcement training. The seminar will inspire trainers to think differently about the way they design and deliver training. The goal is to help good trainers become great trainers, and great trainers to deliver awesome training. The strategies covered in this program have been researched, utilized and refined over the past 26 years by Brian Willis, a veteran law enforcement officer and trainer. This program is specifically designed for law enforcement trainers. Key strategies covered in this seminar include:

  • The two filtering questions and three guiding principles of Excellence in Training
  • The mind: Roles, responsibilities and programming of the conscious and subconscious mind and how that applies to training
  • Embrace the Suck: Finding the good in the challenges and obstacles experienced by all trainers
  • Training with imagination and emotion: What is it and why is it important?
  • The power of questions
  • Imagination: A key element in effective tactical preparation
  • Videos in training: Is there a better way to use them?
  • Words matter
  • Context versus stress in training
  • The key to more effective debriefings

    This dynamic and interactive seminar will challenge and inspire students to think differently about the way they conduct all aspects of training. It will provide them with simple but powerful strategies to employ immediately in training programs, at no cost to the agencies. These strategies have been proven to enhance the competence and confidence of the officers trained.
  • 0800
    Path to Tactical Peak Performance

    Course Length: 8 hours - Instructor: Mulugeta, Lealem
    Medalist Performance developed the Advanced Tactical Athlete Strength & Conditioning (A-TASC) curriculum to help tactical professionals achieve peak physical, physiological, cognitive, and mental performance. This comprehensive program is tailored to each participant's unique needs, encompassing:

    1. Physiologic performance development
    2. Anatomical and body composition attributes
    3. Biomechanical optimization
    4. Nutrition coaching
    5. Injury recovery and prevention
    6. Mental and cognitive performance coaching

    The course will begin with an interactive lecture providing insights into the A-TASC curriculum and how to apply the knowledge to your specific performance needs. The primary focus of the lecture is to provide a scientific and practical understanding of:
  • Structuring your tactical conditioning protocol (pre, during, and post-workout) to enhance physical, physiological, and cognitive performance

  • Understanding the importance of pre- and post-workout elements for performance, injury prevention, and recovery

  • Implementing simple nutrition strategies to mitigate adverse physiological states affecting the operator's health and performance

  • If time permits and if there is sufficient interest, we will cover how the presented methods can also enhance marksmanship proficiency

  • Following the lecture, you will participate in a hands-on session to learn simple yet highly effective methods to:

  • Recover from and prevent common injuries experienced by tactical personnel

  • Optimize training recovery to promote predictable and sustainable performance development while minimizing injuries

  • Improve flexibility and mobility to support a wide range of performance demands and enhance overall quality of life

  • 0800
    Tactical Vision Program

    Course Length: 8 hours - Instructor: Bartlett, Derrick
    Most police officers do not realize they are essentially blind. They believe the myth of being trained observers, when the reality is they see only a small percentage of the world around them at any given time. They also see it slower and with much less accuracy than they would be comfortable knowing. All of this compromises their effectiveness and their safety as SWAT officers.

    Tactical Vision is a course like no other. It will systematically explain how the visual systems work, examining and explaining their capabilities and limitations. It will show students how this affects their training and mission readiness. And finally, it will show them how to train the most important component of their physical skills, their eyes. This is a class that literally has to be seen to be believed.

    Registration is limited to 50 students.
    Incident Debriefs: Bardo Museum Attack (2015) Tunis,Tunisia

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor:
    On March 15, 2015, two militants attacked the Bardo National Museum in the capital city of Tunis and took hostages. Twenty-two victims were ultimately killed, and approximately fifty others were injured. Police ultimately killed both terrorists and conducted additional operations against the group in the following days.
    Law Enforcement Drone Response to an Active Shooter Incident

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Lang, Mark
    This presentation will discuss the benefits of deploying a drone at an Active Shooter Call commensurate with established NTOA Safety Priorities. Interior and exterior drone utilization after the initial active shooter(s) have been neutralized can be consequential for searching/clearing areas for potential improvised explosive devices and/or other asymmetrical threats. Active shooters once positively contacted can still be a threat to the public and first responders by means of explosive, radiological or biological terrorism. Drone utilization can provide real time intelligence in identifying suspicious items on or near the shooter(s) and any vehicles involved. The goal of the presentation is to provide thought provoking concepts for command staff, SWAT and drone pilots as drones provide another valuable tool in response to these incidents.
    The Value of Coach Certification for First Responder Professionals: Future Opportunities as a Coach

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Greenberg, Cathy
    Coaching can help officers better understand and respond to their communities' needs, enhancing their own and their communities' safety. By sharing insights and solutions tailored to law enforcement, coaches provide a vital lifeline, helping officers bounce back stronger and more determined by setting clear goals with a path to achieve them. Even the most dedicated officers can easily derail this path due to daily distractions and professional and personal challenges. In this presentation, we will dispel the myths about performance coaching and offer science-based approaches to achieving life and career aspirations in a rapidly changing law enforcement environment. We will also provide an overview of our proprietary practices and coach model, built expressly by and for special operators and public safety professionals. Key benefits include:
  • Highlights of the Great to MAGNUS Coach Blueprint featuring the ART of Fearless Leaders.
  • A path to excellence built on the International Coach Federation's (ICF) established "Core Competencies," the gold standard for coaching globally.
  • Self-awareness to leverage a growth mindset with insights on applying leading science-based practices in emotional fitness with the 11 Rings of Wellness featuring the MAGNSUWORx.com resilience platform.
  • This interactive program will provide you with new perspectives, techniques for self-renewal, increased confidence, and a shared opportunity to explore a coaching career more deeply.

  • 1000
    Top 20 Tactical Concepts: 1-5

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Pearson, David
    This course is broken up into four (4) separate presentations. Attendees may attend any number of the presentations. Different concepts included in the Top 20 will be covered in each session.

    The Top 20 is an in-depth look at concepts that are foundational to the mindset, philosophy, and tactical considerations of today's law enforcement officers. These concepts are essential to daily and critical decision-making and are applicable to officers, supervisors, and managers in patrol and special operations and can be used to navigate all critical incidents including suicidal calls and crowd management events.

    Regardless of previous experience, participants should come away with a better appreciation of concepts such as: Balanced Officers (warrior v guardian), the Soft Skills, De-escalation, OODA loop, Tactical Decision Making, the Safety Priorities, Officer Jeopardy, Opportunity, the 4 C's, Space and Time, Tactical Pause, and Scenario Based Integrated Training, to name a few. This appreciation and understanding can help attendees become more balanced, improve their leadership skills, and make better informed, consistent, and defensible decisions in daily operations and critical incidents by utilizing a 5-step decision-making model.

    A specific discussion will deal with ways to approach suicidal calls by applying many of the concepts discussed during all four segments. The concepts will be delivered using incident and video debriefs.
    Building a Patrol CQB Program

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Ellis, Eric
    This presentation is designed to familiarize instructors who are interested in building a Patrol CQB program at their organization. Instruction will include how to present the need for this type of training to the administration for approval, and how to structure a progressive training program for officers. It will break down selection of CQB protocol and discuss phasing it into various learning stages via a stair-stepped progression. This will ensure safer patrol personnel and better SWAT candidates for organizations.
    Incident Debrief: British Columbia Bank Hostage Taking: A Planned Attack on Police

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Musicco, John
    On June 28, 2022, tactical officers with the Greater Victoria Emergency Response Team, members of the Saanich Police Department, and multiple supporting police agencies responded to an armed robbery at a major bank in the Capital Region of British Columbia, Canada. Initial reports were confirmed by police observations of two armed suspects inside the bank wearing balaclavas, dressed in body armor and armed with rifles. The suspects corralled bank personnel and customers into the rear vault area and waited inside the bank for approximately 15 minutes. Patrol officers arrived on-scene and initiated hostage-taking procedures. Tactical officers arrived on-scene moments before the suspects exited the bank. An Immediate Action Plan was executed to create separation between the suspects and the hostages, resulting in the death of both suspects. Six tactical officers were shot during the intervention, four of which were critically injured. The incident transitioned to a mass-casualty medical intervention and extraction of the critically injured officers, with concurrent objectives to enter the bank and secure the hostages. Subsequent on-scene actions led to the discovery of a large arsenal of IEDs, firearms, ammunition and body armor in the suspect’s vehicle within the parking lot. This debrief will review the patrol response, tactical intervention, medical care, command decisions and the investigation into this staged bank robbery, which was revealed to be a planned attack against police officers.
    Leadership Lessons Learned from The Debrief Podcast

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Becker, Jon
    The Debrief with Jon Becker podcast is now in its fourth season. To date, the show has recorded more than 50 episodes with a wide variety of guests and topics including interviews with legends of the tactical community, Tier 1 military leaders, related scientists and authors not to mention incident reviews with teams from the US, Canada, France, Norway, and Belgium. Throughout the interviews, numerous patterns have emerged for building the most effective training, team culture, leadership and operational approaches based on the experiences of the guests. This course will examine those lessons learned as well as the events and guests underlying them with a goal of providing a "top ten" list of best practices for your team.
    Principles of Hostage Rescue FULL

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Dubois, Wayne
    This course will cover the fundamentals of hostage rescue and enable attendees to build frameworks for decision-making during hostage rescue operations. Some of the topics covered in this course are:
  • Identifying the various types of HR situations and how they influence decision-making.
  • Hostage taker evaluation
  • ID ways to shape your environment during HR Operations
  • ID various resolution strategies
  • ID CNT goals and objectives during HR Operations.

  • 1300
    The Value of Coach Certification for First Responder Professionals: Future Opportunities as a Coach

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Greenberg, Cathy
    Coaching can help officers better understand and respond to the needs of their communities, enhancing their own and their communities' safety. By sharing insights and solutions tailored to law enforcement, coaches provide a vital lifeline, helping officers bounce back stronger and more determined by setting clear goals with a path to achieve them. Even the most dedicated officers can easily derail this path due to daily distractions and professional and personal challenges. We dispel the myths about performance coaching with science-based approaches to achieve life and career aspirations in a rapidly changing law enforcement environment, along with an overview of our proprietary practices and coach model built expressly by and for special operators and public safety professionals. Key Benefits include:
  • Highlights of the Great to MAGNUS Coach Blueprint featuring the ART of Fearless Leaders.
  • A path to excellence built on the International Coach Federation's (ICF) established "Core Competencies," the gold standard for coaching globally.
  • Self-awareness to leverage a growth mindset with insights on applying leading science-based practices in emotional fitness with the 11 Rings of Wellness featuring the MAGNSUWORx.com resilience platform.
  • This interactive program will provide you with new perspectives, techniques for self-renewal, increased confidence, and a shared opportunity to explore a coaching career more deeply.

  • 1300
    Top 20 Tactical Concepts: 6-10

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Pearson, David
    This course is broken up into four (4) separate presentations. Attendees may attend any number of the presentations. Different concepts included in the Top 20 will be covered in each session.

    The Top 20 is an in-depth look at concepts that are foundational to the mindset, philosophy, and tactical considerations of today's law enforcement officers. These concepts are essential to daily and critical decision-making and are applicable to officers, supervisors, and managers in patrol and special operations and can be used to navigate all critical incidents including suicidal calls and crowd management events.

    Regardless of previous experience, participants should come away with a better appreciation of concepts such as: Balanced Officers (warrior v guardian), the Soft Skills, De-escalation, OODA loop, Tactical Decision Making, the Safety Priorities, Officer Jeopardy, Opportunity, the 4 C's, Space and Time, Tactical Pause, and Scenario Based Integrated Training, to name a few. This appreciation and understanding can help attendees become more balanced, improve their leadership skills, and make better informed, consistent, and defensible decisions in daily operations and critical incidents by utilizing a 5-step decision-making model.

    A specific discussion will deal with ways to approach suicidal calls by applying many of the concepts discussed during all four segments. The concepts will be delivered using incident and video debriefs.
    Why Well-Written Police Reports Still Matter in the Age of Body-Worn Camera Videos

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Robles, Luis

    Police Performance in Critical Incidents

    Course Length: 4 hours - Instructor: Borden, Jamie
    There are many myths surrounding the use of force. This presentation will dispel the myths held by civilians, attorneys and even officers themselves. Attendees will also get an update on what we know about the "controversial" use of force, body cameras, human performance under stress, and the limitations of memory. Attendees will experience demonstrations of their own limitations and see examples of police performance from real-life officer-involved incidents.
    Team Leader Tactical Considerations and Leadership Part 2

    Course Length: 4 hours - Instructor: Murphy, Dan
    This presentation will continue from the mornings session, but will focus on a review of tactical considerations related to barricade operations, high-risk warrant service, and hostage situations. Multiple incidents will be discussed and utilized in emphasizing the learning points.
    Fixing the Disconnect Between CNT, Tactical and Command Part II

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Dubois, Wayne
    There is often a "disconnect" between crisis negotiation teams and SWAT. The disconnect is common with U.S. law enforcement and can lead to missed opportunities to resolve critical incidents and at times, mission failure. This presentation will be a guided discussion that will help attendees identify if they have a disconnect on their team, and the various ways it manifests itself. Strategies for identifying the root causes behind the disconnect and how to fix the problems will be discussed.
    Implementing the PFQ for your Team

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Wilson, Adam
    The presentation focuses on implementing the PFQ for a team and the best training practices for achieving the best possible score. Adam Wilson, a PFQ past winner, will discuss a path for enabling a manageable training path and how one can successfully implement it within a team. It will cover tips for training and strategies for each event included in the PFQ.

    Discussion Points:

  • Why the PFQ?
  • Raising the PT bar
  • Find your team's baseline and the magic scores to give them the confidence to do it

  • Continuing to build to the prescribed numbers in the PFQ and eventually have everyone meet that standard<
  • br/>
  • Common errors in the PFQ

  • Standards in the PFQ<
  • br/> How to train for each event
  • How to prepare for recovery in between the events

  • How to strategize for the PFQ.

  • 1500
    Incident Debrief: Hostage Rescue at Prestige Inn and Suites

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Tencza, Brian | Wesolowski, Richard
    In September 2020, in Dolton, Illinois, a suspect held a mother and child were held hostage in a hotel room. They were beaten and choked unconscious. A hostage rescue recovered both the hostages and the suspect. This unique incident occurred during the height of protests around the United States. During this incident, which happened in a non-friendly neighborhood, protestors on the scene added to the chaotic and challenging environment. Several other factors played a role during this event. Presenters will provide their first-hand experiences and discuss lessons learned and challenges encountered.
    Rapid Response Deployment for Special Events

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Alamshaw, Nicholas | Galbraith, Scott

    Tactical Decision-Making

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Selleg, Jeff

    Thursday September 12

    Harnessing the Power of Individual Performance: The 11 Rings Framework for Organizational Excellence

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Kingsfield, Jeff
    Join us for an insightful presentation where we delve into the essential elements that drive personal and organizational success. In this session, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of the performance chain and its 11 critical rings, including relationship development, mental toughness, and leadership capacities. Learn how these factors interconnect to enhance team dynamics and overall organizational outcomes. As a participant, you will engage in practical exercises to identify performance gaps within your organization and develop actionable strategies for improvement. Additionally, discover how MAGNUSWorx, our innovative wellness and training platform for law enforcement, is leading the way in performance enhancement, ensuring officers are well-equipped to meet the demands of their roles.
    Incident Debrief: Critical Incident Review of the Mass Casualty Incident at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Comrie, Nazmia | Golden, James | Fernandez, Frank
    On May 24, 2022, an active shooter took the lives of 19 children and two staff members and physically and mentally injured the survivors, their families, staff, teachers and the broader community in Uvalde, Texas. At the request of Uvalde's leadership, the U.S. Department of Justice established the Critical Incident Review (CIR) to conduct an independent, objective assessment of what happened that day and assess the systems in place in the weeks leading up to May 24. The goal of the CIR is to provide information to those most affected by the tragedy and to build knowledge regarding how to best respond to incidents of mass violence. This panel will provide an overview of the incident and present observations and recommendations from the CIR report in the areas of tactics, leadership and incident command.
    Operational Medical Detachment

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: McDuffie, Ralph
    With society facing ever-increasing violence and the subsequent increase in incidents involving critically wounded persons, law enforcement is being trained to advanced levels of casualty care and prepared to render closer to, if not at, the point of injury in a vast array of environments. Even with the strongest interoperability relations with fire rescue and emergency medical services, until scenes are secured, most will not respond into a direct or indirect threat environment. The Lake County Sheriff's Office (FL) has addressed this with the establishment of Operational Medicine Detachment, supporting emergency and non-emergency incidents. With 30 tactical medical responders, with scope-of-practice ranging from Tier 2 (T2) emergency medical responder, with enhanced skills-sets, to paramedic (T4), all are sworn law enforcement officers, including agency physician responsible for medical direction and oversight.
    Active Shooter Incident Management Basic (ASIM B)

    Course Length: 4 hours - Instructor: Godfrey, William
    Class size is limited to the first 30 students to insure participation in the exercises.

    Active Shooter Incident Management (ASIM) Basic is a 4-hour introductory course demonstrating the ASIM Checklist integrated response process to law enforcement, fire, and EMS responders. Instructors introduce key concepts of integration and engage responders in three (3) hands-on functional exercise scenarios, enabling response practice while improving comprehension and retention. The course addresses:

  • The ASIM Checklist process
  • Staging
  • Tactical & Contact Teams
  • Casualty Collection Points
  • Triage & Rescue Task Forces (RTF)
  • Transport & Ambulance Exchange Points

  • 0800
    Just Another Witness... Body-Worn Cameras

    Course Length: 4 hours - Instructor: Robles, Luis

    Leadership: Choosing to Lead in Today's Police Environment

    Course Length: 8 hours - Instructor: Schaeffer, Rod
    This presentation will identify the characteristics and talents necessary to develop and lead in today's environment. The discussion will include a detailed process of leadership skills related to selection, development, and decision-making attributes on how leaders build teams. These attributes can help you make critical decisions when lives hang in the balance. Real-world operations will be reviewed and will identify leadership and team problems, and discuss solutions that reduce or mitigate injuries and loss of life. Finally, it will highlight how leadership and teamwork can positively or negatively impact the event's outcome during a critical incident. The day will include group exercises to include tabletop and interactive exercises with students in various situations that require law enforcement intervention.
    Man Tracking Operations Workshop

    Course Length: 4 hours - Instructor: Winslow, Charles

    One of the most dangerous operations a SWAT team may be tasked with is searching for an armed fugitive in a rural environment. This seminar will define when a manhunt becomes high risk and why that should trigger a SWAT response.

    Specialized equipment and training considerations, as well as tactics to facilitate a fugitive's capture, will be identified. The presentation includes overviews on visual and K9 tracking assets, and how to integrate both into a high-risk manhunt incident. Incident command and personnel deployment issues unique to manhunts will be reviewed. The material will be presented using a combination of lecture, some officer activities and a short table-top problem.
    Results-Oriented Decisions & Neurobiology: The Impact of Stress on Tactical Operators

    Course Length: 4 hours - Instructor: Javidi, Dr. Mitch
    The impact of stress on a tactical operator is overlooked and minimized, but the effect on the outcome of an incident can be significant. Understanding the power of neurobiological functions of the Medial Pre-Frontal Cortex and how it interacts with Boyd's Cycle during missions results in a more prepared and successful operator. The presenter will conceptualize how mastering the concepts of Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act (OODA Loop), combined with a deep comprehension of the interaction of the cognitive and reactive portions of the brain, will assist operators during tense, stressful, and uncertain operations.
    The Reality of Police Combat and How to Train For It

    Course Length: 4 hours - Instructor: Watt, Randy
    This seminar presents a case study review of officer involved shootings and points out the correlation between effective and ineffective training and resulting performance. Including a discussion on the physiological and psychological effects of sudden, high-risk, life-threatening events on performance, this seminar offers strategies to use in training to make combat performance as effective as possible.
    Edged Weapons and Violent Encounters

    Course Length: 8 hours - Instructor: Ruskey, Marc
    What's your skilled response to a rapid, violent assault directed at you? Training to only retreat from a threat to grab a tool off your duty belt has had fatal outcomes for many police officers. Through hands-on, scenario-based training, officers will experience first-hand the various distances, reaction times, assault times, and human performance factors that impact how edged weapon and other assaults unfold As a result, participants will gain enhanced assessment and decision-making models, along with force options to improve their survivability of an edged weapon attack and other close-quarter violent encounters.
    Managing Tactical Teams for Administrators

    Course Length: 8 hours - Instructor: Pergola, Mark
    This one-day presentation is designed for newer commanders, team leaders, and those with limited SWAT experience. It aims to provide insights into managing and leading specialty teams in your organization. A wide array of topics will be discussed, including team typing, critical skills list development, eight critical steps of incident management, safety priorities, risk mitigation for specialty teams, understanding the elements of hostage and non-hostage incidents, response to suicidal subjects, and relevant case law.
    The Arena: Navigating the Challenges of a First Responder Career

    Course Length: 8 hours - Instructor: Gribble, Travis
    During this powerful day of training, Travis Gribble offers his personal story of a 24-year law enforcement career giving intimate details of how the profession can affect you both personally and professionally. Jennifer Cooper, a culturally competent first responder therapist, presents alongside him and offers the clinical perspective for every subject discussed. By the end of this training, you will understand you are not alone in your struggles, what it takes to change course, and ultimately how to thrive both personally and professionally. It's time to change the negative culture and purposefully address our mental health.
    Implementing the PFQ for your Team

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Wilson, Adam
    The presentation focuses on implementing the PFQ for a team and the best training practices for achieving the best possible score. Adam Wilson, a PFQ past winner, will discuss a path for enabling a manageable training path and how one can successfully implement it within a team. It will cover tips for training and strategies for each event included in the PFQ.

    Discussion Points:

  • Why the PFQ?

  • >Raising the PT bar

  • Find your team's baseline and the magic scores to give them the confidence to do it

  • Continuing to build to the prescribed numbers in the PFQ and eventually have everyone meet that standard

  • Common errors in the PFQ

  • Standards in the PFQ

  • How to train for each event
  • br/>
  • How to prepare for recovery in between the events

  • How to strategize for the PFQ.

  • 1000
    Top 20 Tactical Concepts: 11-15

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Pearson, David
    This course is broken up into four (4) separate presentations. Attendees may attend any number of the presentations. Different concepts included in the Top 20 will be covered in each session.

    The Top 20 is an in-depth look at concepts that are foundational to the mindset, philosophy, and tactical considerations of today's law enforcement officers. These concepts are essential to daily and critical decision-making and are applicable to officers, supervisors, and managers in patrol and special operations and can be used to navigate all critical incidents including suicidal calls and crowd management events.

    Regardless of previous experience, participants should come away with a better appreciation of concepts such as: Balanced Officers (warrior v guardian), the Soft Skills, De-escalation, OODA loop, Tactical Decision Making, the Safety Priorities, Officer Jeopardy, Opportunity, the 4 C's, Space and Time, Tactical Pause, and Scenario Based Integrated Training, to name a few. This appreciation and understanding can help attendees become more balanced, improve their leadership skills, and make better informed, consistent, and defensible decisions in daily operations and critical incidents by utilizing a 5-step decision-making model.

    A specific discussion will deal with ways to approach suicidal calls by applying many of the concepts discussed during all four segments. The concepts will be delivered using incident and video debriefs.
    Harnessing the Power of Individual Performance: The 11 Rings Framework for Organizational Excellence

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Kingsfield, Jeff
    Join us for an insightful presentation where we delve into the essential elements that drive personal and organizational success. In this session, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of the performance chain and its 11 critical rings, including relationship development, mental toughness, and leadership capacities. Learn how these factors interconnect to enhance team dynamics and overall organizational outcomes. As a participant, you will engage in practical exercises to identify performance gaps within your organization and develop actionable strategies for improvement. Additionally, discover how MAGNUSWorx, our innovative wellness and training platform for law enforcement, is leading the way in performance enhancement, ensuring officers are well-equipped to meet the demands of their roles.
    Incident Debrief: Austin SWAT OIS SWAT Officer Killed

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Shurley, Sam | Rosales, Rafael | Carruth, Jared
    On November 11, 2023, Austin Police officers responded to a "Shoot/Stab Hot Shot Call." The Caller advised that there were several subjects that had been stabbed. Upon arrival, officers made contact with one of the victims who advised two additional family members were still inside the residence. Patrol officers made entry into the residence at which point a suspect opened fire from within the residence. APD SWAT was requested to assist, upon arrival an emergency entry was made to save the lives of the victims. The rescue resulted in the tragic death of one SWAT officer and a traumatic injury to a second SWAT officer.
    Modern Tactical Team Selection Processes

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Gruner, Benjamin

    Top 20 Tactical Concepts: 16-20

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Pearson, David
    This course is broken up into four (4) separate presentations. Attendees may attend any number of the presentations. Different concepts included in the Top 20 will be covered in each session.

    The Top 20 is an in-depth look at concepts that are foundational to the mindset, philosophy, and tactical considerations of today's law enforcement officers. These concepts are essential to daily and critical decision-making and are applicable to officers, supervisors, and managers in patrol and special operations and can be used to navigate all critical incidents including suicidal calls and crowd management events.

    Regardless of previous experience, participants should come away with a better appreciation of concepts such as: Balanced Officers (warrior v guardian), the Soft Skills, De-escalation, OODA loop, Tactical Decision Making, the Safety Priorities, Officer Jeopardy, Opportunity, the 4 C's, Space and Time, Tactical Pause, and Scenario Based Integrated Training, to name a few. This appreciation and understanding can help attendees become more balanced, improve their leadership skills, and make better informed, consistent, and defensible decisions in daily operations and critical incidents by utilizing a 5-step decision-making model.

    A specific discussion will deal with ways to approach suicidal calls by applying many of the concepts discussed during all four segments. The concepts will be delivered using incident and video debriefs.
    Man Tracking Operations Workshop FULL

    Course Length: 4 hours - Instructor: Winslow, Charles

    One of the most dangerous operations a SWAT team may be tasked with is searching for an armed fugitive in a rural environment. This seminar will define when a manhunt becomes high risk and why that should trigger a SWAT response.

    Specialized equipment and training considerations, as well as tactics to facilitate a fugitive's capture, will be identified. The presentation includes overviews on visual and K9 tracking assets, and how to integrate both into a high-risk manhunt incident. Incident command and personnel deployment issues unique to manhunts will be reviewed. The material will be presented using a combination of lecture, some officer activities and a short table-top problem.
    Sleep and Fatigue Management for Optimal Performance and Durability

    Course Length: 4 hours - Instructor: Scrobe, Stephen
    In law enforcement's fast-paced and demanding environment, the true strength lies not only in the technology and equipment available but also in the resilience, readiness, and well-being of the individuals behind the scenes. This presentation will address the unique demands faced by police officers, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing the human element of mission-critical operations. Going beyond technical skills and equipment proficiency, this session delves deeper into strategies that elevate individual well-being, increase career longevity, and enhance overall performance. By focusing on identifying small, incremental lifestyle changes, participants will discover the power of sustainable improvements in their personal and professional lives. During this presentation, O2X lead instructor Stephen Scrobe and an O2X Sleep and Fatigue Management Specialist will provide hands-on training and education about the role of sleep in performance and how to create effective sleep habits using science-backed methods, including breathing, mindfulness, and yoga nidra. The O2X specialists will cover the physiological response to sleep deficit as well as the science behind sleep and proper sleep hygiene. Attendees will be given tools and methods for relaxation that have been shown to decrease depression, anxiety, stress, PTSD, chronic and acute pain, and insomnia. The session will provide attendees with concrete, actionable steps they can take home to improve sleep habits and optimize performance on and off the job.
    Sniper Training Development

    Course Length: 4 hours - Instructor: Haugo, Gar
    This class will focus on how to develop relevant, sustainment training for law enforcement snipers. Students will be provided with the NTOA Sniper Section's philosophy on training based on input from snipers from across the country. Using this information, they will learn a systematic process to identify training topics and needs to build a stronger sniper program.
    Surviving SWAT in the 21st Century

    Course Length: 4 hours - Instructor: Watt, Randy
    This is a presentation on the tactics, techniques, procedures, equipment and technology which optimize SWAT operational capabilities, from the perspective of the individual team member through the team level. Discussion includes a review of how litigation is impacted, and how the key points apply to risk mitigation for operators and teams.
    Active Shooter Incident Management Trends and Best Practices FULL

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Godfrey, William
    Law enforcement first responders, supervisors, and commanders, do you feel fully prepared and equipped to manage active shooter incidents? Or do you feel overwhelmed and uncertain about handling such an event? This two-hour presentation will help you become prepared for the unthinkable. Learn about current trends in active shooter management and discover best practices that can make all the difference in saving lives. Additionally, take away a validated checklist response process, receive policy guidance on effective incident management, and gain an understanding of the key factors required for successful active shooter incident management. Don't be caught off guard; unlock your potential to expertly manage Active Shooter Events with this briefing! Get knowledge from experts with firsthand experience developing and implementing a validated Active Shooter Incident Management process endorsed as the National Standard by the NTOA. Don't miss this presentation - prepare yourself now so you're ready for anything tomorrow!
    Breaking the Stigma: How the Veterans Health Administration Police Service and Suicide Prevention Work Together

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Kalvels, Stacie | Burden, Cameron | Terhune, Corey
    Law enforcement faces many challenges when responding to individuals experiencing a mental health crisis. Improving responses and outcomes starts at the leadership level and involves organizational culture changes. Additionally, making these changes will help address a growing problem that many law enforcement agencies face - officer mental health and wellness. This presentation will help conference attendees understand what the VA is doing to improve responses to Veterans in crisis and reduce Veteran suicide, including data, initiatives, and goals. It will discuss how police responses are improved through partnerships with VA Police Service and providers. It will also address creating a safe and healthy space to improve officer safety, mental health, and wellness.
    Incident Debrief: Raid on Terrorist Camp, Slalom, Kasserine Tunisia

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor:
    Operation Black Victor 2, conducted on December 27th, 2023, in the mountainous region of Salloum, Kasserine, resulted in the elimination of three ISIS terrorists. Surveillance and intelligence gathering were conducted for four months in the mountains of Salloum, Kasserine (near the Algerian Border), which resulted in the identification of a terrorist cell operation. After 36 hours of continuous intense surveillance, an operation was executed, resulting in the elimination of three ISIS terrorist threats.
    Integrating UAS into Tactical Operations

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Karlewicz, Chad
    This presentation will highlight the necessity for the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in tactical operations. It will then discuss the best practices and standards for the use of UAS in tactical operations as developed by the Law Enforcement Drone Association. Finally, it will discuss the steps necessary to start a UAS program and a description of the regulatory options a program can operate under.
    Reducing Rhabdo Hospitalizations During Training

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Kennedy, Kelly
    This presentation will explain the condition of Rhabdomyolysis (Rhabdo). Discussion will include why Rhabdo occurs in training, what can be done about it, and how to avoid the conditions that accelerate its development. Rhabdo, stemming from tissue injury during exercise, is referred to as "Exertional Rhabdomyolysis." It can manifest in individuals regardless of their fitness levels and has the potential to lead to kidney failure and, if unresolved, liver failure (resulting in multiple organ failure). Furthermore, it may precipitate compartment syndrome, permanent nerve death, and, in severe cases, mortality.

    Friday September 13

    Breaking the Stigma: How the Veterans Health Administration Police Service and Suicide Prevention Work Together

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Kalvels, Stacie | Burden, Cameron | Terhune, Corey

    Incident Debrief: Multiple Officers Down: Barricaded Suspect

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Cogburn, Scott | Klosterman, Todd
    Harris County SWAT was actively participating in a man hunt for a shooting suspect of a Harris County Deputy during a traffic stop. The suspect was potentially located by US Marshall's and entry was made at the residence by the Marshall's. Multiple officers were struck with gun fire from the barricaded suspect. HCSO SWAT responded and took tactical command of the scene. The suspect was located in a rear bedroom closet on the second floor. HCSO Rook breached the location and the suspect climbed onto the Rook boom and was lowered to awaiting SWAT members after a 6 hour stand off.
    Integrating UAS into Tactical Operations

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Karlewicz, Chad
    This presentation will highlight the necessity for the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in tactical operations. It will then discuss the best practices and standards for the use of UAS in tactical operations as developed by the Law Enforcement Drone Association. Finally, it will discuss the steps necessary to start a UAS program and a description of the regulatory options a program can operate under.
    Modern Tactical Team Selection Processes

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Gruner, Benjamin

    Problem-Solving Under Stress

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Rogers, Buck
    A comprehensive array of topics will be discussed, including improving problem-solving methods, analytical thinking, critical decision-making, and how our cognitive processes can be faulty under stress. Overall instruction will aid students in leadership roles within their units and agencies. This class includes intensive academic and theoretical components of problem-solving techniques and critical decision-making for the patrol or SWAT Leader. Application to real tactical operations and how these techniques relate to an operational environment will be presented. Officers should come prepared to learn new problem-solving techniques for critical incidents and how heuristics affect our decision-making in operations. A laptop or iPad is helpful as you can follow the presentation, but it is not mandatory.
    Tactical Police Work in Ukraine: Strategies, Challenges and Innovations in a Wartime Environment

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor:
    This one-hour seminar explores the dynamic landscape of the National Police of Ukraine and State Border Guard Service tactical police work in a wartime environment. Attendees will gain insight into the strategic reorganization and training of law enforcement units, and the integration of advanced technologies like drones and surveillance systems for enhanced operational capabilities to respond to events with military-trained suspects who may counterattack. Real-world case studies will highlight these innovations in action as the National Police of Ukraine and State Border Guard Service tactical units respond to emerging incidents. The seminar will also illustrate the high-risk operational environments where the tactical units operate and their initiatives to improve tactical responses and psychological resilience while protecting communities under attack. Challenges such as resource constraints will be discussed, and attendees will gain a nuanced understanding of how the National Police of Ukraine have used innovation to respond to critical events in a wartime environment.
    Law Enforcement Response to Suicidal Subjects: Legal Realities and Options

    Course Length: 4 hours - Instructor: Pearson, David
    This presentation is designed to educate police personnel on the legalities and challenges faced when responding to suicidal subjects. Unique perspectives are provided in order to provoke discussion within agencies to have a true understanding of the relevant Constitutional requirements. Case law examples are provided as talking points to assist in guiding policy and response decision-making. In addition, model programs from throughout the United States are presented as potential options for agencies to consider.
    Process Focused: Shooting Performance on Demand

    Course Length: 4 hours - Instructor: Labhart, Jake
    This course will discuss the process of training the fundamentals, stacking the fundamentals, and performing high levels of proficiency on demand. Shooting has continued to evolve, but after years of teaching in the law enforcement community, there is still much conflicting information. This class will talk through many of the techniques and skills being taught while highlighting some of the proven methods that impact the shooter's performance. We will talk about how to use these skills as a training tool and how they correlate to real-world applications. Additionally, the class will cover training processes and different models for implementing techniques to build skill and performance. The different models can be applied to an individual shooter or a team. We will talk through objective measures, how to track performance, and how to appropriately stack skills for optimal performance. This class aims to more deeply understand shooting principles, how to enhance performance, and how a better training model will lead to increased outcomes during live operations.
    Turns Out Being Shot Isn't the Worst Thing: Understanding Risk and Adaptation of Specialized Police Operations

    Course Length: 4 hours - Instructor: Prohaska, Jennifer | Cartwright, Brent
    The high-risk nature of specialized police operations frequently immerses officers into a world full of quick, hard-hitting brain chemical dumps followed by an immediate need to drastically de-escalate. As careers progress, the body becomes habituated to the high adrenaline-infused work, which increases risk-seeking behavior to achieve similar "highs" as before while also avoiding the post-action low. Furthermore, officers tend to tolerate operating only within a narrow window of high-stress levels, finding low and mid-level situations intolerable. Without a diligent commitment to self-awareness and healthy habits to stay mentally anchored, a drift can occur in officers, leading to maladaptive coping behaviors. By blending the real-life experience of Det. Brent Cartwright (Ret), with the cutting-edge expertise of Dr. Jennifer Prohaska, this presentation will highlight how silently this shift can occur, detail the underlying mechanisms behind this transformation, and identify methods for prevention and recovery.
    Enhancing Wellness and Performance Through Cognitive Development

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Selleg, Jeff
    This presentation will focus on a unique, one-of-a-kind program that impacts all branches of public safety through dozens of online exercises created by Neuroscientists; cognitive abilities are enhanced and maximize personal performance. Studies show that officers increase recognition of environmental conditions, awareness, and the speed of decision-making. Officers gain better impulse control and de-escalation capabilities, reduced use of force, and citizen and prisoner complaints. Ultimately, agencies maximize risk mitigation and reduce liability through the many benefits of brain science exercises.

    Used prolifically by U.S. Military Special Operations and professional and Olympic athletes, BrainHQ is the result of years of effort by leading scientists worldwide. The only program supported by over 200 scientific studies, the BrainHQ program should be a part of any wellness and resiliency plan. Exercises from BrainHQ have proven to change cognitive function. These changes include better memory, faster processing, and sharper attention - but they also include more confidence, safer driving, happier mood, better health outcomes, and other benefits for everyday life. BrainHQ offers personal and professional benefits and has proven to reduce cognitive decline and help offset conditions such as Alzheimer's. Studies show that with just a few hours of BrainHQ training, the incidence of dementia is lowered by more than 40%.

    Training for public safety starts with six exercises that target the speed and accuracy of cognitive processing for faster and better decision-making, cognitive control over impulses to contribute to de-escalation, and emotional expression recognition to help address unconscious bias. These factors are the core training emphasized in a standard 10-week public safety program, aiming at better decision-making under high stress. Once completed, the intelligent algorithms will begin integrating the other twenty-three exercises based on the individual's needs for the remainder of the year.

    Personal Benefits. In addition to BrainHQ training helping officers perform better at work, studies have shown many benefits in user's daily lives, including gains in standard measures of cognition (e.g., speed, attention, memory, decision-making), quality of life (e.g., depression, anxiety, confidence, health-related quality of life), and in real-world activities (e.g., balance, gait, driving, everyday tasks).
    Incident Debrief:Barricaded Homicide Suspect: Multiple Team Event

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Tencza, Brian | Wesolowski, Richard
    In Calumet City, Illinois, a homicide suspect barricaded himself in a home after shooting at police officers. This was a prolonged incident that required multiple rotations of tactical teams. Tactical teams utilized deliberate destruction, chemical agents, and many other tactics to achieve a resolution. The structure caught fire during the incident, an officer was injured, and other challenges were faced.
    Reducing Rhabdo Hospitalizations During Training

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Kennedy, Kelly
    This presentation will explain the condition of Rhabdomyolysis (Rhabdo). Discussion will include why Rhabdo occurs in training, what can be done about it, and how to avoid the conditions that accelerate its development. Rhabdo, stemming from tissue injury during exercise, is referred to as "Exertional Rhabdomyolysis." It can manifest in individuals regardless of their fitness levels and has the potential to lead to kidney failure and, if unresolved, liver failure (resulting in multiple organ failure). Furthermore, it may precipitate compartment syndrome, permanent nerve death, and, in severe cases, mortality.
    Resolving Burning Barricades: When the Structure Catches Fire

    Course Length: 2 hours - Instructor: Etzin, James
    Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) teams are deservedly known for not only being highly trained and specially equipped but also adaptable and resourceful during extremely dynamic situations. However, when a structure fire occurs during a critical incident, it adds a layer of complexity most SWAT teams are ill-prepared for, consequently leading to operational delays that make mission success that much more difficult to achieve. To counter such circumstances, this presentation will describe what extraordinary resources fire service personnel, apparatus, and equipment can be within tactical environments and how they can be safely and efficiently utilized to mitigate a variety of unconventional challenges.