Mulugeta, Lealem
Enhancing and Sustaining Physical, Physiological and Cognitive Performance for the Tactical Operator

Medalist Performance developed the Advanced Tactical Athlete Strength & Conditioning (A-TASC) curriculum to help tactical professionals achieve exceptional physical, physiological and mental performance to successfully meet the extreme demands of their duties. Each participant's peak performance development program was designed with a keen consideration to the participant's needs in physiologic performance development, anatomical and body composition attributes, biomechanical optimization, nutrition coaching, injury recovery and prevention, and mental performance coaching.

The course will begin with a lecture to provide insights on the A-TASC curriculum. The primary focus of the lecture is to provide a scientific and practical understanding of: How to structure your tactical conditioning protocol (i.e., pre, during, and post-workout) to enhance physical, physiological and cognitive performance; Why the pre- and post-workout elements are essential to performance, injury prevention and recovery; how the methods can enhance not just general physical, physiological and mental performance, but also marksmanship proficiency; and simple nutrition considerations that can mitigate systemic physiological states that can be adverse to the operator's health and performance.

Following the lecture portion, students will engage in a hands-on session to learn simple but highly effective methods to recover from and prevent common injuries experienced by tactical personnel, optimize training recovery to promote predictable and sustainable performance development, and while minimizing injuries, and improve flexibility and mobility to accommodate a wide range of performance envelope and improve overall quality of life.

Lealem Mulugeta - Bio
Lealem worked at NASA as a Lead Scientist, where he directed a highly multidisciplinary team of experts to develop and apply novel technologies to analyze and mitigate the health and performance risks of astronauts. He collaborates with the NIH, FDA, DoD, DARPA, and several other governmental, academic and private institutions to translate his unique technical expertise to enable precision healthcare and explore the boundaries of human performance. As a byproduct of his endeavors, he has published over 100 journal and conference articles and presentations. His education background consists of a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical-Aerospace Engineering and a Master of Science in Space Studies with a concentration in human spaceflight. He is also a former gymnast, Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), Certified Mental Coach (CMC), USA Gymnastics Coach, and Firearms Instructor. Lealem founded Medalist Performance to translate his many years of experience in spaceflight, biomedical research, engineering, athletics, and peak performance coaching to develop and administer individualized peak performance coaching programs for active and aspiring athletes, tactical professionals, executives, and astronauts. He developed the Advanced Tactical Athlete Strength & Conditioning (A-TASC) curriculum to help tactical professionals achieve exceptional physical, physiological and mental performance to successfully meet the extreme demands of their duties.