Dietzman, Brenda
Generations: Working Better, Together

Gen Zers are starting their careers, and Millennials are taking on leadership positions within our organizations. In a refreshing way, we will explore the numerous positive characteristics they bring to our organizations and how to utilize their unique skill sets. We will study how different generations were raised and how it has molded them into the employees they are today. Building on that information, we will examine research-based studies to explore how to recruit, retain, motivate, and grow them into the leaders we need now and in the future. Actionable ideas will be given that will help you better recruit, hire, train, and retain your workforce.

Brenda Dietzman - Bio
Col. Brenda Dietzman (ret.) has 28 years of law enforcement and corrections experience. In 2019, she retired from the Sedgwick County Sheriff's Office in Wichita, Kansas as the undersheriff in charge of jail operations. She oversaw two facilities with a total population of 1400+ inmates, 300+ employees and a $40 million budget. During her time in law enforcement, she also served as the captain in charge of the Patrol Division and the Judicial Division, a lieutenant in both the Patrol Division and the Special Project Unit, a Community Policing sergeant, detective, and a road patrol deputy. She now provides evidence-based training and has presented at numerous national, state and local events as well as for international audiences. She is an internationally certified IADLEST instructor. She has a bachelor of science degree in Administration of Justice from Wichita State University.