Martinez, Nancy
Law Enforcement and Autism Spectrum Disorder

This 2-hour presentation will equip law enforcement officers with credible, relevant information necessary to interact more effectively with individuals diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. Body-worn camera footage, lecture, and firsthand perspectives of first responders are utilized to provide attendees a broad array of strategies that reduce escalation and contribute to optimum outcomes, maximizing both community member and officer safety.

Topics covered include:

Executive Functioning and Theory of Mind difficulties
  • Self-stimulatory behavior: "stimming"
  • Medical considerations & Sensory Processing Disorders
  • Sensory scene management to minimize challenging behavior
  • De-escalation strategies & communication tips/suggestions
  • Distinctive Search & Rescue challenges: Searching for the non-verbal
  • Critical questions to ask caregivers/parents
  • Developing & strengthening partnerships w/ the I/DD community

  • Nancy Martinez - Bio
    Nancy Martinez has been employed with the Chandler, AZ Police Department since 2004, and currently works in their Criminal Investigations Bureau as an Investigative Specialist. For the past several years, she has worked in collaboration with first responders to create and teach disability awareness classes to LEO's throughout Arizona. Her vision is to help continue to build strong community partnerships. She is also a proud mom to a son with special needs.