Selleg, Jeff
Enhancing Wellness and Performance Through Cognitive Development

This presentation will focus on a unique, one-of-a-kind program that impacts all branches of public safety through dozens of online exercises created by Neuroscientists; cognitive abilities are enhanced and maximize personal performance. Studies show that officers increase recognition of environmental conditions, awareness, and the speed of decision-making. Officers gain better impulse control and de-escalation capabilities, reduced use of force, and citizen and prisoner complaints. Ultimately, agencies maximize risk mitigation and reduce liability through the many benefits of brain science exercises.

Used prolifically by U.S. Military Special Operations and professional and Olympic athletes, BrainHQ is the result of years of effort by leading scientists worldwide. The only program supported by over 200 scientific studies, the BrainHQ program should be a part of any wellness and resiliency plan. Exercises from BrainHQ have proven to change cognitive function. These changes include better memory, faster processing, and sharper attention - but they also include more confidence, safer driving, happier mood, better health outcomes, and other benefits for everyday life. BrainHQ offers personal and professional benefits and has proven to reduce cognitive decline and help offset conditions such as Alzheimer's. Studies show that with just a few hours of BrainHQ training, the incidence of dementia is lowered by more than 40%.

Training for public safety starts with six exercises that target the speed and accuracy of cognitive processing for faster and better decision-making, cognitive control over impulses to contribute to de-escalation, and emotional expression recognition to help address unconscious bias. These factors are the core training emphasized in a standard 10-week public safety program, aiming at better decision-making under high stress. Once completed, the intelligent algorithms will begin integrating the other twenty-three exercises based on the individual's needs for the remainder of the year.

Personal Benefits. In addition to BrainHQ training helping officers perform better at work, studies have shown many benefits in user's daily lives, including gains in standard measures of cognition (e.g., speed, attention, memory, decision-making), quality of life (e.g., depression, anxiety, confidence, health-related quality of life), and in real-world activities (e.g., balance, gait, driving, everyday tasks).

Jeff Selleg - Bio
Jeff Selleg worked in law enforcement from 1996 to 2022 and retired as a Commander from the Port of Seattle Police Department in Washington. He served as a member of Valley Regional SWAT from 2000 to 2022, starting on the entry team and further serving as an explosive breacher, sniper, sniper team leader, entry team leader, and team commander. Jeff served as a patrol and administrative services commander with collateral duty commands over the Explosive Detection Canine Unit, the Bomb Disposal Unit, and SWAT. Jeff volunteered as a member of the Washington State Tactical Officer's Association Board of Directors from 2007 to 2020, including several years as President. Jeff was an advisor to the National Institute of Justice - Tactical Technology Working Group for the Department of Justice. He served twice as a National SWAT Standards Review Committee member. He assisted the NTOA as a committee member in designing the NTOA's Command College curriculum and currently serves as the committee chair of the NTOA's Tactical Leadership Committee. Jeff facilitates most of the NTOA's tactical leadership courses and many other specialty courses. He holds certifications as an instructor in most of the disciplines associated with tactical operations. Jeff holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from Saint Martin's University and a Master of Arts degree in Organizational Leadership from Chapman University. Jeff has completed his coursework to earn his Doctorate of Education in Organizational Leadership through Northeastern University in Boston. Jeff holds graduate certificates in Executive Leadership from Cornell University and Project Management certificates from both Harvard and Gonzaga University.