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National Tactical Officers Association
Improving public safety and domestic security through training, education and tactical excellence.

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On-Demand Topics

Webinar: (2024) Why Officers Are More Likely to Die from a Heart Attack and What You Can Do to Prevent It!
Course #: 20244860

Currently, in the United States, heart disease is the number one killer of men and women in uniform, and police officers have a life expectancy that is twenty-two years less than the general population, with an average life expectancy of just 57 years of age. As a cardiologist and a police officer, Dr. Sheinberg has pioneered cardiac research within the Law Enforcement Community with the intent to combat this discrepant rate of heart disease and death. In 2013, Dr. Sheinberg developed the Cardiac Screening Initiative (CSI), an observational cohort to determine the causes of and reduce the prevalence of coronary disease in law enforcement officers throughout the United States. To date, his program has screened more than 14,000 police officers, and the data and methods derived from it are being used nationwide to save countless lives. Current research has confirmed that over 90% of police officers who are at high risk for heart disease are missed during standard cardiac risk modeling. This webinar will focus on ways officers can prevent heart attacks and the process for the Cardiac Screening Initiative for you and your agency.

Webinar: (2024) Understanding the New Update to the Tactical Response and Operations Standards
Course #: 20244500

This webinar will give officers the latest information and explanation for the 2023 (5th edition) of the NTOA Tactical Response and Operations Standard (TROS). Members of the committee will explain changes to the TROS and what they mean for your team. This webinar will give officers clarifications on some of the changes and why they were made. We recommend you download and read the latest edition of the NTOA Tactical Response and Operations Standard (ntoa.org/pdf/TROS.pdf) before the webinar.

Webinar: (2024) Five Justifications for Interior Drone Utilization at SWAT Operations
Course #: 20242490

This webinar will discuss five justifications for interior drone use at SWAT operations. Positive use cases continue to occur weekly, yet some SWAT teams still struggle to prioritize and fund a drone for interior searching/clearing. The webinar aims to provide insight into the positive effects of interior drone deployments that can assist your team in acquiring this critical technology.

Webinar: (2024) SWAT Medic and Rescue Task Force Interaction During Active Violence
Course #: 20242480

In recent years, much emphasis has been placed on conventional fire departments and emergency medical service providers collaborating with patrol officers and deputies to provide warm zone care during active violence. However, what are the contingencies when tactics employed by offenders, false reports of additional suspects, limited law enforcement officers being available, and other “curve balls” result in unreasonable delays in determining where hot zones end and warm zones begin? Consequently, this webinar will discuss contemporary strategies, tactics, and concepts (including utilizing SWAT medics) that can bridge such gaps and facilitate more expeditious blood-stopping, victim extraction, and transportation to hospitals.

Webinar: (2023) Understanding Duty to Care and Legal Considerations in Law Enforcement Response to Suicidal Subjects Workshop
Course #: 20235650

This is a follow-up webinar from July 2023, where we will discuss scenarios that officers have experienced. This webinar will provide a unique perspective and provoke critical thinking skills to understand the relevant Constitutional requirements for these calls and provide practical insight in dealing with similar situations. This webinar will discuss the concepts associated with law enforcement's duty to care when responding to suicidal subjects. These concepts include community care, emergency aid, and exigent circumstances.

Webinar: (2023) Developing a Monthly Sniper Training Day
Course #: 20235630

This course will focus on developing a Sniper training day for a typical monthly training session. Students will learn how to structure a training day that best suits the needs of their team, and they will be exposed to various resources used to develop sniper-specific training.

Webinar: (2023) January 2018 York County Regional SWAT Team OIS Incident Debrief
Course #: 20235360

On January 16th, 2018, York County deputies responded to a domestic violence call that led to a K9 search for a suspect armed with an AK-47. The suspect ambushed the K9 tracking team and shot Sgt. Randy Clinton. This ambush led to the deployment of the York County SWAT team and personnel from every agency in York County, the South Carolina State Law Enforcement Division, and the Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department. In all, over 100 officers responded. The suspect then ambushed a SWAT unit searching for him, murdering Detective Mike Doty and seriously wounding Officer Kyle Cummings and Sgt. Buddy Brown. The suspect suffered serious wounds and was taken into custody. In this debrief, Sgt. Buddy Brown will discuss the good, the bad, and the lessons learned from that incident and the incident's aftermath.

Webinar: (2023) Understanding Duty to Care and Legal Considerations in Law Enforcement Response to Suicidal Subjects
Course #: 20235350

This webinar will discuss the concepts associated with law enforcement's duty to care when responding to suicidal subjects. These concepts include community care, emergency aid, and exigent circumstances. We will also discuss the difference between our ability to act and use force under state and federal law. This webinar will provide a unique perspective and provoke critical thinking skills to understand the relevant Constitutional requirements for these calls.

Webinar: (2023) Brain HQ from Posit Science, NTOA's Commitment to Enhance Leadership in Public Safety
Course #: 20234800

Documented research studies have shown that law enforcement officers can increase recognition of environmental conditions, awareness, and the speed of decision-making. Ultimately, officers can maximize risk mitigation and increase decision-making capabilities through the benefits of brain science exercises. This webinar will introduce concepts from Brain HQ and how the program benefits officers with enhanced cognitive abilities, and how to maximize your personal and professional performance.

Webinar: (2023) Building High-Trust, High-Performing Teams
Course #: 20234440

Trust is essential for teams to achieve high performance, especially under stress. This webinar will describe the neuroscience of high-trust teams and will provide a framework to measure and improve trust and performance. This webinar will also share data from police departments that have used this approach.

Webinar: (2023) Panel Discussion: Public Order Standards
Course #: 20232630

This panel discussion will focus on the new Public Order Standards recommended by the NTOA. Leading subject matter experts Spencer Fomby, Peter Davidov, and Anthony Raganella will discuss why the standards were developed, what they are, and why your agency should adopt them.Panelists will also discuss what the standards mean for your agency and where to find appropriate training. Topics will include the challenges of establishing and integrating the standards at your agency and how planning, equipping and training your personnel for the standards is essential in professionalizing your agency.

Webinar: (2023) Why Should I Care About Sensemaking and Systems Thinking?
Course #: 20232470

Today's police officer deals with complex problems and situations, often in a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous society. Yet, are we trained on how to understand and think about this changing reality? We have been rewarded throughout our careers based on outcomes and problem-solving abilities. But these problems are often linear, predictable in their results, and respond to a particular type of thinking. More recently, we've been introduced to thinking fast and slow by Kahneman and the idea of type I & type II systems thinkers. But today's complexity requires additional perspectives and additional types of thinking. This presentation is about what a type III systems thinker might look like. What would they possess in the way of skills and perspectives? How would they combine the best of type I and type II? What would their focus be in contrast to a solution-centric culture? Dr. Black has studied these questions extensively and offers a glimpse into the evolution of thinking about future systems III-type thinkers. A sensemaking systems III thinking approach and a change in focus to understanding centric in contrast to solution-centric are offered as a way ahead within the future of policing. Officers will better understand system three-type thinking that applies to law enforcement and why sensemaking is a critical component in the system's three approaches to decision-making.

Webinar: (2023) Lessons from Life’s Most Powerful Question
Course #: 20232450

Too often in life people are looking for secrets, shortcuts and hacks to health, wellness, better relationships, high performance, leadership, and happiness. The reality, however, is that there are no secrets, shortcuts, or hacks. You have to be willing to show up every day and do the work, which certainly comes as no surprise to those in the tactical community. While there are no shortcuts there is a question - Life’s Most Powerful Question, which can serve as a guide in your personal and professional journey in the pursuit of excellence. When you learn to understand and embrace this question as a powerful decision-making tool it can bring clarity to all areas of your life. This webinar will explore Life’s Most Powerful Question and its daily application for the heroic men and women of the National Tactical Officers Association community.

Webinar: (2023) Developing Instructor Guides for Continuity, Consistency and Accountability
Course #: 20232440

Law enforcement instruction is under tremendous pressure - both socially and legally. The old days of relying on "self-as-expert" based on our "training and experience" is no longer sufficient. We have seen the results of training that wasn't developed as well as it should have been, but there hasn't been much done for bringing training development in law enforcement into the current age of learning and development based on science and research.

Learning and development, and the training it produces, requires three things that are in total alignment with the needs of law enforcement - continuity, consistency, and accountability. Even today, the bulk of training developed in law enforcement amounts to outlines of bullet points. The problem is that the further away from detailed training materials one gets, the more inconsistently it is delivered, the more open to liability an agency and instructors may become. In this webinar, we will define continuity, consistency, and accountability, and discuss the key items that must exist in an instructor's guide to create a more regimented and defensible training product.

Webinar: (2022) What is an NTOA Team Review?
Course #: 20224920

This webinar will provide an overview the National Tactical Officers Association's team and critical incident review processes. As a contracted service to members and non-member agencies, the NTOA performs two types of tactical team reviews: a full team review or a review of policy and procedure only. All reviews are based on the NTOA's Tactical Response and Operating Standards. The NTOA will also perform critical incident reviews. This webinar will outline the review methodology and answer any questions related to this service.

Webinar: (2022) Active Shooter Incident Management (ASIM) Checklist: What is it, how to use it, and how can it help you?
Course #: 20224910

The ASIM Checklist is a validated process to stop a shooter and rescue the injured faster so you can save more lives. This webinar will introduce you to the Active Shooter Incident Management (ASIM) Checklist concepts, how the process works, and how to use it from the first arriving officer through establishing a Command Post. These concepts will help you organize your response to active threats. We will also discuss the why's and how of the ASIM Checklist. The webinar will conclude with a Q&A session.

Webinar: (2022) Tactical Mission Planning
Course #: 20224890

This webinar will expose police personnel (supervisors, tactical and task force team leaders, detectives, etc.) to procedures used for tactical mission planning of involved personnel. Topics include mission planning; documentation; operational planning for high-risk search warrants; scouting procedures for mission planning; primary, alternate, contingency, and emergency planning; suggestions on how to modify high-risk search warrant planning to other types of tactical missions (open area operations, barricaded subjects, arrest warrant/fugitive apprehension, and hostage barricade situations). The presentation will emphasize designing and implementing an efficient briefing system.

Webinar: (2022) Operating at the Speed of Trust: Angles, Allies, and Advantages of Elite Units
Course #: 20224790

This webinar will discuss the Why and the What from the speaker's experience during his time around elite organizations. "Elite" flows... "Good Enough" rows. In this Tac Talk, we will discuss how elite organizations consistently focus on:

  • Angles: Reducing inefficiencies and cultivating the craft. Apex predators know 2 things: 1) With little/no notice they will have to ascend to a perfect version of what they are in order to take their prey or defend their pride, and 2) they never know when. This reality demands a constant pursuit of ever better/faster/smarter/stronger ways.

  • Allies: Reaffirming commitment to the mission and to the men and women next to them. Make sure that convictions are consistent up and down the line. TE Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) once said "An opinion can be argued with, but a conviction is best shot." Convictions produce action. And actions are the only thing that produces change.

  • Advantages: Talent is not the enemy and it is not irrelevant. It's just only 1/3 of the equation. Talent and treasure are advantages but never enough, on their own, to produce consistent victory. In small units, we learn to maximize our natural and collective advantages along with the pursuit of perfect angles and ensuring we are with people who mean what they say as much as we mean what we say.

  • Webinar: (2022) Breaking Down the NTOA's Position Paper on No-Knock Warrants
    Course #: 20223780

    The NTOA recently published a position paper on no-knock warrants on February 25, 2022. This has led to some questions and misunderstandings of why the paper was published, as well as highlighted a need for more tactical training on how to implement knock and announce warrants in a tactically sound manner. This issue is much broader than SWAT and involves other units that may regularly serve no-knock warrants. Topics of discussion will include: the background and history of no-knock warrants, why the NTOA published a position, tactical options for knock and announce warrants, factual information on tactical operations across the country, legal issues, life-safety principles, and nationwide trends. The most common questions and concerns will be addressed, and a Q and A session will be included.

    Webinar: (2022) Asset Protection for Law Enforcement
    Course #: 20223650

    Law enforcement and other public safety personnel risk their lives serving their communities. But what about the other risks that are often not mentioned and not a priority? The risk of losing assets such as homes, finances, livelihoods, and more is real. What protections have you put in place to protect these and other financial assets? How will you protect your family if your agency does not defend you or if there is a legal finding against you? Every first responder should take action to protect their assets and their families. This presentation will walk through the options to help secure your future, whether it be personal or business assets. Strategies such as how to name your properties, trusts, limited liability corporations, taxes, and much more will be discussed. This presentation could provide one of the most crucial and life-changing opportunities you have ever encountered.

    Webinar: (2022) Building Tactical Command Competency: Preparing to Function Effectively in Chaos
    Course #: 20223190

    You have been assigned to a leadership position on your tactical team, or perhaps you are a newly promoted patrol supervisor. You now must not only respond to critical incidents, but you must also make decisions to facilitate the resolution of the event. Are you prepared to accept this formidable challenge? Are you prepared to step into the chaos and function effectively? The goal of this presentation is to serve as a primer for officers new to the role of incident command and as a review and refresher for those presently bearing this responsibility. This presentation will provide an overview of essential incident management considerations that comprise the foundation of command competency. We will discuss the nature of crisis and the initial steps required when arriving on scene. Topics will include controllable and uncontrollable factors, planning, developing commander's intent, the importance of contingencies, and the specific challenges of active threat situations.

    Webinar: (2022) Drone Programs and SWAT Capabilities - Why Your Team Needs Drones
    Course #: 20222650

    Drone technology is one of the fastest-growing areas in law enforcement. This webinar is an introductory overview of drones in law enforcement and SWAT operations. The presenter will include a summary of SWAT cases where drones were used in real-world applications. Other discussion points include; platform selection, mission typing, FAA requirements, and choosing a regulatory framework that works best for your agency. In addition to policy considerations, live drone footage will give the attendee a better understanding on how and why implement drones into SWAT operations can be beneficial. This webinar will show how drone technology is changing law enforcement.

    Webinar: (2022) The Wichita Model: Using Best Practices as a Blueprint to Build (or Rebuild) Your Crisis Negotiation Team
    Course #: 20222620

    How does your crisis negotiations element measure up to contemporary best practices? How healthy is the culture on your team? This presentation uses a brief tale of the genesis of the Wichita Police Crisis Negotiation Team as a blueprint for success. WPD CNT journeyed from a watershed period in 2015 when only three rag-tag SWAT negotiators provided minimal coverage for a large metropolitan area, to present day, as an independent and well-equipped group of 16 negotiators and a mental health professional who are the go-to providers of de-escalation and crisis negotiation expertise for their community. Two of the team leaders will explain the critical decisions and initiatives that have helped their team grow, mature, and face multiple critical challenges along the way. Topics will include a primer on creating a powerful selection process, a magical engine for increasing your pool of motivated and qualified candidates for selection, hidden gems of free training to accelerate your team members' professionalism, innovative deployment models, and proven ways to reduce liability on callouts while earning the role of trusted advisor for your tactical and command elements. Following the 30 minute presentation, the facilitators will take your questions for another half hour. Bring them your own challenges, and take away practical strategies to grow the influence, reputation, and capability of your CNT.

    Webinar: (2022) Rescue Task Force: Public Safety's Current Jedi Mind Trick
    Course #: 20222270

    Since the 1999 tragedy at Columbine High School, law enforcement agencies throughout the United States and Canada have been training on the "contact team and extraction team" approach to threat and casualty management during active assailant incidents. This is mainly attributed to the historical reluctance of conventional fire department and Emergency Medical Services personnel to enter the warm zones of such environments and Tactical Emergency Medical Support (TEMS) providers not always being readily available. However, given the growing acceptance and utilization of rescue task forces, many law enforcement agencies are now falling into a dangerous trap by deemphasizing the critical roles point of wounding care by law enforcement officers, extraction teams, and unconventional transportation play during future critical incidents. Given the extraordinary amount of time the presenter has spent studying such events, visiting affected communities, and interviewing countless emergency responders and survivors involved, many past and recent examples of extraction teams contributing to casualty survival will be referenced. Information will also be provided that will arm command officers with reasonable expectations and help perimeter personnel, contact teams, extraction teams, rescue task forces, conventional fire service/emergency medical services personnel, SWAT officers, and hospital providers work together to simultaneously "stop the killing, dying, and crying."

    Webinar: (2022) Enhancing and Sustaining Physical, Physiological and Cognitive Performance for the Tactical Operator
    Course #: 20221690

    Medalist Performance developed the Advanced Tactical Athlete Strength & Conditioning (A-TASC) curriculum to help tactical professionals achieve exceptional physical, physiological and mental performance to successfully meet the extreme demands of their duties. In this webinar, Lealem will discuss an integrative approach to enhance and sustain your tactical performance. Some key objectives of this webinar include:

  • How to structure your tactical conditioning protocol (i.e., pre, during, and post-workout) to enhance physical, physiological and cognitive performance

  • Why the pre and post-workout elements are essential to performance, injury prevention and recovery

  • Examples of how these methods can enhance not just general physical, physiological and mental performance, but also marksmanship proficiency

  • Simple nutrition considerations that can mitigate systemic physiological states that can be adverse to the operator's health and performance

  • Webinar: (2022) Leadership Principles for the Next Generation
    Course #: 20221680

    This presentation provides a foundation of leadership principles used to effectively lead the next generation to enter the workforce. There are many challenges leaders face every day. One of those challenges is finding the most effective way to lead the newer generation of employees. Today's leader is expected to know the personality traits and meet the expectations of multiple generations, which can be a difficult task if unprepared. The topics presented provide the participant with principles to help build a strong, productive team. The principles presented assist in building high-performing teams, reduce turnover, and prepare the next generation of leaders to be effective supervisors. Topics discussed include: Being Approachable, Ownership, Accountability, Everyone has a say-so and Legacy Awareness.

    Webinar: (2022) Incident Debrief: Multi-Jurisdictional Response to Manhunt Operations - Lower District Integrated ERT (Vancouver, BC)
    Course #: 20220240

    This incident will highlight a multi-jurisdictional response to a gunman who shot a police officer. The manhunt lasted four days, ultimately becoming a barricaded suspect incident. The incident commander will conduct this debrief and present some interesting command decision-making challenges and lessons learned in the domains of physical and organizational risk. The attendee will glean lessons from what went well and could have been improved.

    Webinar: (2021) Concepts of Nonlethal Force and Policing in Today's Environment
    Course #: 20213980

    Recent events across the country have led to increased scrutiny of the police and nonlethal force during protests. Highly controversial decisions by some jurisdictions have led to increased safety concerns for officers across the country. Banning pepper spray, less lethal impact projectiles, and CS gas during demonstrations and riots has led to tighter restrictions in tactics, equipment, and level of force utilized by law enforcement. In this webinar, we discuss with Sid Heal his recently released book on Concepts of Nonlethal Force, and get his thoughts on the impact of legislative restrictions recently placed on police agencies. How do we manage mass demonstrations and restore order with limited resources and higher public scrutiny? There will be time allotted for Q & A at the end of the webinar.

    Webinar: (2021) Sleep for First Responders
    Course #: 20213970

    With ever-changing schedules, overtime, and overnight shifts, it is not surprising that some police officers suffer from sleep disorders. Sleep disorders, typically associated with poor health, performance, and safety outcomes, are twice as prevalent among police officers than the general public - and a study (Sleep Disorders, Health, and Safety in Police Officers) in the Journal of the American Medical Association (2011) suggests that they remain largely undiagnosed and untreated. The study found that, among police officers, sleep disorders were common and were significantly associated with increased risk of adverse health, performance, and safety outcomes. In this webinar, sleep expert and former Navy Seal Dr. Kirk Parsley discusses the importance of a good night's sleep and gives us some recommendations on improving our sleep.

    Webinar: (2021) Critical Incident Active Shooter Debrief (Bryan, TX)
    Course #: 20213910

    This webinar will debrief lessons learned managing a critical incident involving an active shooter on April 8th, 2021. The debrief will discuss the incident, the response, and lessons learned from the response. From this webinar, you will understand some of the management complexities of this incident, such as self-initiated deployment from outside jurisdictions, indiscriminate parking issues, and communication problems that occurred. This debrief will discuss the multi-jurisdictional response, mass casualty care response, and command post operations. In addition, post-operational problems that are not usually considered in training and preparations will be evaluated. The debrief will be provided by the Incident Commander and first supervisor on the scene.

    Webinar: (2021) Tactical EI for Law Enforcement
    Course #: 20213880

    This session will educate participants on the skills, framework, and abilities of emotional intelligence, and how to apply these skill sets in personal and professional settings. Instruction and out-of-class exercises include brain-training techniques modeled by the US Department of Defense as well as proprietary learning-models to support a holistic approach to developing a healthy work/life balance. Direct benefits include improved decision-making and clarity of thought, specifically under pressure and amidst adversity. The indirect benefits of applying emotional intelligence skills are revealed as the ability to stay relaxed with flexible responses, adaptable to change, optimism, and engaged thinking skills during distressed emotional states like problem solving or conflict resolution.

    Webinar: (2021) Building a Culture of Mental Preparedness in Tactical and Special Operations
    Course #: 20213560

    Tactical and special operators are living in a rapidly changing world with volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA). The scrutiny and criticism pitted against them today is unprecedented, increasing stress and psychological fragility. This webinar provides a series of techniques to help reduce stress while increasing mental preparedness.

    Webinar: (2021) Top 20 Tactical Concepts
    Course #: 20213370

    The Top 20 is an in-depth look at concepts that are foundational to the mindset, philosophy, and tactical considerations of today's law enforcement officers (LEO's). These concepts are essential to daily and critical decision making and are applicable to officers, supervisors, and managers in patrol and special operations and can be used to navigate all critical incidents including suicidal calls and crowd management events.

    Regardless of previous experience, participants should come away with a better appreciation of concepts such as: Balanced Officers (warrior v guardian), the Soft Skills, De-escalation, OODA loop, Tactical Decision Making, the Safety Priorities, Officer Jeopardy, Opportunity, the 4 C's, Space and Time, Tactical Pause, and Scenario Based Integrated Training, to name a few. This appreciation and understanding can help attendees become more balanced, improve their leadership skills, and make better informed, more consistent, and defensible decisions in daily operations and critical incidents by utilizing a 5-step decision-making model.

    In the third segment, after finishing the concepts portion, a special section will deal directly with ways to approach suicidal calls by applying many of the concepts discussed during all three segments. The concepts will be delivered using incident and video debriefs.

    Webinar: (2021) Panel Discussion: Protester Tactics and Lessons Learned by Law Enforcement
    Course #: 20213330

    This panel discussion will focus on the tactics being utilized by protesters and rioters in some of the most active cities in the United States. Representatives from Portland, St. Louis and Pittsburgh will detail the specific threats and strategies being employed against law enforcement. Challenges and lessons learned in these dynamic events will be explained in detail. Topics of discussion will include counter tactics implemented, integration of personnel and units, event planning and coordination, equipment, and more.

    Webinar: (2021) 5 Ways to Improve Your Sniper Team
    Course #: 20212400

    In this one-hour webinar, the presenter will provide aspects of sniper operations to consider and help your team to be more forward thinking in training and operations. Five key areas that can improve your sniper program and other recommendations that can be made to enhance your SWAT team's overall effectiveness and capabilities will also be covered.

    Webinar: (2021) Panel Discussion- Less Lethal Munitions in Crowd Control Operations
    Course #: 20212250

    Law enforcement is experiencing unprecedented policing challenges due to the pandemic and civil unrest in cities across the nation. Many times, agencies don't provide adequate training, education or policy for personnel. This 3-person panel will address crowd management issues and lessons learned from after-action reports. Learn the latest information from the nation's leading experts on crowd management tactics and training, less lethal concepts, policy, and legal liability. You will not want to miss this dynamic webinar.

    Webinar: (2021) Lessons Learned from Protests
    Course #: 20212030

    Since the summer of 2020, over 115 face and head strikes with police impact munitions have occurred during riots. Why is this happening? This webinar will diagnose the issues, provide training recommendations, and describe how a mobile field force can deal with violent agitators embedded in a peaceful protest. The importance of providing rules of engagement to grenadiers will be emphasized. The presenter will discuss the likely future of impact munitions use in civil disturbances if law enforcement does not enhance supervision, training, and deployment methodologies.

    Webinar: (2020) Critical Thinking and Decision Making for Planning Tactical Operations
    Course #: 20203470

    This webinar consists of two-parts and will cover the Critical Thinking Model P.I.E.T.O. (Priorities, Intelligence, Environment, Tools/Tactics/Technology and Officer Instincts) as a means for the Tactical Commander, Team leader, or Operator to use as a mental guide in the decision-making process during tactical operations to make justifiable, ethical, and legal decisions. The student will be required to discuss a tactical plan based on the principles taught in the first session. The first webinar session will cover principles of the P.I.E.T.O. Critical Thinking Model. The instructor will present in detail this concept and how it can be utilized in the tactical environment as well as other law enforcement operations. There is a requirement for the student to develop a tactical plan based on a problem presented during this session. The student will have one week to complete the assignment. During that one week break, an intelligence inject will be delivered via email, requiring a change in decisions and tactical response and the use of different tools.

    During the second session, the instructor will walk teams through the P.I.E.T.O. Model as it applies to the scenario with injects. This will be a tabletop discussion format where students will learn the how, what, and why of strategy and tactics as it applies to their plan. The instructor-guided discussion about tactical plans will provide insight and self-analysis of tactical ideas and decisions based on the P.I.E.T.O. Model, along with changes to plans that were made after the intel inject occurred.

    This webinar is intended to give the student new concepts for critical decision-making with the P.I.E.T.O. Model within the framework of the Priorities of Life, Intelligence, Environment, Tools/Tactics/Technology and Officer Instincts within organizations. This is a brand-new webinar topic and is sure to fill quickly. If you are looking for new concepts for the tactical decision maker, this is it.

    Webinar: (2020) The Truth About Time
    Course #: 20203450

    "It's not that we have little time, but more that we waste a good deal of it." Seneca

    The limited supply of time affects all of us. So, in police operational conditions, it becomes even a more precious thing. The misnomer, "time is on our side," spoken by many tactical leaders, does little to provide a favorable outcome during a critical incident. In this webinar, Commander Jeff Selleg explains the relevance of time in tactical operations and why understanding the dimension of time is crucial for a successful strategy. He discusses principles and concepts, citing examples of personal experience to give leaders a better idea of how to understand the concept of time. Once you understand these principles and the situation you face, leaders will be better prepared to leverage windows of opportunity to resolve tactical situations, whether a patrol or SWAT incident.

    Webinar: (2020) Shaping Your Environment During Tactical Operations
    Course #: 20203440

    The essence of strategy is not to carry out a plan step by step but to create an environment where we have more options and leverage against an adversary. Napoleon said, "ability is nothing without opportunity." In many critical incidents, we must create that opportunity through tactical dilemmas and shaping the environment. In this webinar, Wayne Dubois will discuss various techniques and principles where supervisors can develop the environment by creating more options for police and maximizing our strengths while minimizing vulnerabilities. Through lessons learned, Wayne will discuss and give examples of how shaping the environment in critical incidents is essential for successful operations.

    Webinar: (2020) Chasing Perfection: The NTOA Physical Fitness Qualification
    Course #: 20203410

    Vince Lombardi once said, "Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection, we can catch excellence." Since the release of the NTOA PFQ this spring, many swat operators have chased perfection in the form of the PFQ physical fitness evaluation. The scope of the fitness test is dedicated to the safety, effectiveness, and overall fitness of operators across the world. This webinar will review the history, purpose, and the steps utilized in the development of the PFQ. Patrick Lynch will take you to step by step through each component of the program. He will review the movement of standards for each element, including common mistakes with form, scoring of events, and why we need the scores in each event. Patrick will discuss the scaling of movements or alternate events for team members and will review the idea of skill challenges, as well as provide new training ideas for personal improvement in the PFQ. In this interactive webinar, Patrick will show videos demonstrating examples of proper technique and scoring of events. There will be time allowed for questions and answers. To find out more about the testing protocols and implementation materials, and to input test scores to the NTOA, please visit our website. https://www.ntoa.org/pfq/

    Webinar: (2020) The Use of Force Continuum
    Course #: 20203380

    This webinar is provided in partnership between the National Tactical Officers Association and the Daigle Law Group. Watch Attorney Eric Daigle, both the principal of Daigle Law Group and national use of force instructor/expert, for an in-depth webinar about the history and trends associated with using a diagram continuum in a constitutional policing model. Attorney Daigle will discuss the history and reasoning behind the decision to remove the continuum from the police use of force policies a decade ago and why it is unacceptable to revive it in present-day policing. Law enforcement has worked for almost two decades to remove the stair-stepping methodology of the use of force continuum, due to its continued failure to represent the methodology of current case law accurately. During this webinar, you will obtain a better understanding of why an image does not represent the current established case law and the constitutional standards that we have in this Country.

    Webinar: (2020) Rescue Task Force: Expectations of Success
    Course #: 20203370

    This webinar will cover the four main models of providing warm zone care to include Rescue Task Force. Responding to active violence incidents requires an integrated response, and this webinar will describe methods to build trust within public safety partners and how to build confidence within the program by providing training opportunities in a crawl, walk, run format. An overview of common fail points at most joint high threat incidents such as communication, unified command, and a common operating picture will be addressed. We will discuss how to avoid fail points through training, shared policy, and having reasonable expectations of success built upon realistic conversations between agencies. This webinar will challenge the audience to re-examine their definition of risk-based upon joint trust and safety priorities.

    Webinar: (2020) Managing a Critical Incident: OIS & Manhunt Operational Debrief
    Course #: 20203330

    This webinar will debrief lessons learned managing a 2019 critical incident that included an officer-involved shooting and the manhunt that transpired afterward to locate the suspect. In this dynamic presentation, you will gain a better understanding of managing a large-scale incident from the command post down to the operational level. This webinar will have live drone and helicopter video footage, which will enhance students' experience. Presented by the incident commander, you will not want to miss this debrief!

    Webinar: (2020) Unfolding The Mystery Of The Risk Assessment Matrix
    Course #: 20203230

    This webinar (approximately 1-hour in length) explores the purpose and functions of the risk assessment matrix. The panelist will discuss the background, history, and foundational purpose of the matrix. The webinar will then define the types of risk assessment systems commonly used across the tactical community and then compare & contrast these systems. The webinar concludes by identifying acceptable and best practices held by the National Tactical Officers Associations.

    Webinar: (2020) Creating a Common Operational Picture
    Course #: 20203220

    For tactical units to gain situational awareness quickly, it is imperative and vital to creating a common operational picture. A common operational picture is shared knowledge and understanding between individuals, teams, and command. It is critically important when many agencies are involved in major disasters and large tactical operations. Because fog, friction, and chance exist to some degree in every operation; a common operational picture is essential to success. This webinar will cover definitions and assist you in creating a better understanding of gaining a common operating view quickly. It will include some case law examples of lessons learned from a legal standpoint as well from personal experiences. It will also cover some critical methods needed before and during an operation to create a successful and common operation picture.

    Webinar: (2020) Leadership Lessons of Antiquity: Analyzing Historical Lessons from Boyd's Perspective
    Course #: 20203200

    The principles that support sound strategy and tactical decision-making have been well documented since the time of Sun Tzu, Alexander the Great, Machiavelli, and many others. It is somewhat ironic that many contemporary law enforcement commanders sadly lack any understanding of the science that supports sound decisions. In this webinar, we will discuss overviews of a handful of historical commanders and glean insight through John Boyd's recent analysis through "Patterns of Conflict." This webinar is a brief introduction to some lessons learned that will help any modern-day police supervisor, team leader, or SWAT Commander. By learning from successes and failures of history and applying your insight from personal experiences, you will gain a better understanding of what it means of becoming a student of the art and science of strategy.

    Webinar: (2020) Managing a Dynamic Tactical Problem for the Patrol Supervisor
    Course #: 20203120

    This webinar will examine why most critical incident operations fail because mistakes are made by the people and agencies assigned to handle them, not due to criminal resistance. In this one-hour webinar, the presenter will define and present 2 of the 5 characteristics of crisis that are covered in depth in the NTOA Supervising Patrol Critical Incidents Course. It will introduce you to principles present in every conflict during critical incidents, how to recognize them, and what actions to take to help you to successfully manage a dynamic tactical problem within the first 60 minutes.

    Webinar: (2014) Terrorist Tactics Against Law Enforcement
    Course #: 20142770

    This webinar reviews philosophy and tactics used by terrorist organizations to defeat and subjugate law enforcement. Also discussed is the current state of affairs globally as it pertains to extremist Islamic terrorist groups and their efforts to escalate attacks on United States soil. Mr. Branyon leverages his expertise and first-hand knowledge from abroad, to include Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan, to illustrate this discussion. To be successful, terrorists must first demonstrate that law enforcement is incapable of consistently protecting United States citizens. Law enforcement must be proactive in vanguard to address this threat.

    Webinar: (2014) TEMS Update: Future Trends and Lessons Learned
    Course #: 20142760

    In this webinar, NTOA TEMS Section Chair, Dr. Kevin Gerold, discusses the recently revised NTOA TEMS position statement which recognizes that police officers are often the initial responders to active violent incidents and calls for all police officers to receive basic TEMS training. The ability to control life-threatening hemorrhage, triage casualties, establish secure casualty collection points and coordinate care with existing EMS responders have become core law enforcement skills and all police officers should have the basic medical skills and equipment to save the lives of victims, bystanders, police officers and suspects in the event they are wounded. Dr. Gerold also discusses lessons learned from existing TEMS programs and sheds light on potential future challenges facing police officers and medical providers supporting law enforcement operations.

    Webinar: (2013) IED Threats: A Wake-Up Call for Law Enforcement
    Course #: 20133060

    This presentation provides first responders and SWAT an insight into the various types of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) currently being used by terrorists and criminals. In light of the Boston Marathon bombings, this presentation heightens awareness and examines the design and potential threat that various IEDs pose to American law enforcement and communities. Topics include:
  • Suicide bomber device designs and past deployment plots in the United States
  • Ambush and secondary devices, along with the terrorist technical manuals available on the internet
  • Deployment of Vehicle Borne IEDs
  • Pipe bombs and improvised grenades used as weapons
  • Stand-off weapon designs and deployment methods
  • Multiple/simultaneous terrorist attacks

  • Webinar: (2013) IED Threats: Southwest Border
    Course #: 20133050

    This webinar provides an overview of counter-IED operations along the U.S./Mexico border. Topics discussed include tunnels, smuggling cases, anti-immigration militia trends, and the Mexico explosives surge. The webinar begins by providing background information about the TSWG Southwest Border Counter IED Working Group and then delves into the complexity of issues surrounding US/Mexican IEDs. Conventional vs. unconventional responses, challenges, priority areas, and the need for continuing partnerships are also discussed.


    National Tactical Officers Association
    Colorado Springs, CO 80920

    Toll Free: 800-279-9127


    The mission of the National Tactical Officers Association is to enhance the performance and professional status of law enforcement personnel by providing a credible and proven training resource as well as a forum for the development of tactics and information exchange. The Association’s ultimate goal is to improve public safety and domestic security through training, education and tactical excellence. The National Tactical Officers Association operates with Veritas (truth, honesty and integrity) in our relationships.

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